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InayathUlla Sharieff
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee




    Configuring OTV on F3 card


    I am facing issue with reference configuring OTV on F3-Card (N77-F348XP-23) only VDC getting following message.

    Nexus77K(Config)#feature otv
    Feature otv not supported in F2E without M1, M1XL or M2XL VDC

    So to run OTV on F3 will I required M1/M1XL or M2XL card. If yes then what's purpose of purchasing F3 card supporting OTV. and if no what is the way to enable the OTV on this module.

    Action plan

    As per Cisco F3 Card support OTV.

    The issue may be that the module-type is not set for F3.

    F3 can only exist in a VDC with M2XL, F2, F2e and other F3 cards.

    The command to enable F3 cards in a vdc is "limit-resource module-type f3" in VDC
    configuration mode.

    The "system module-type f3" command can be entered in global configuration to allow F3
    modules for the chassis.


    On the Default VDC
     Show vdc
     vdc_id  vdc_name                          state               mac                
    type          lc
     ------           --------                          -----          
     1       Nexus                            active              00:1a:5a:8c:0c:c1  Admin     None
     2       test                                active              00:1a:5a:8c:0c:c4  
    Ethernet  f2e f3   >>>The LC column has f2e f3
    Nexus(config)# vdc test  >>>> In your case use the VDC name that you have in
    Nexus(config-vdc)# limit-resource module-type f3 
     This will cause all ports of unallowed types to be removed from this vdc. Continue
     [yes] y
    Nexus(config-vdc)# end
    Nexus# sh vdc
    Nexuswide mode is f2e f3
     vdc_id  vdc_name                          state               mac                
    type          lc
     ------         --------                            -----          
     1      Nexus                            active              00:2a:6a:8c:0c:c1  
    Admin    None
     2       test                              active              00:2a:6a:8c:0c:c4  
    Ethernet   f3       Line card now has only F3 type
    Nexus#Nexusto vdc test
    Nexus-test(config)# feature otv
    Nexus-test(config)#    COMMAND is accepted.


    hope this helps.



    *Plz dont forget to rate if this info is helpfull.


    The same workaround when you need to enable MPLS

    Thank A million for the post mate. it was very helpful.

    InayathUlla Sharieff
    Cisco Employee
    Cisco Employee

    Thank you Obinna.

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