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Sandeep Singh
Level 7
Level 7

If the configuration in UCS gets corrupted or erased by some reason it can be recovered. Recovery of the configuration in the UCS can be performed by importing the configuration from a location where it was previously saved. To recover the configuration you need to first have the configuration backed up in some location. This back up process can be set so that it will automatically backup the UCS configuration at specified intervals. To backup UCS configuration login to UCS manager and go to the Admin tab. Select Backup configuration in the work pane, this opens up a new window. In the Backup Configuration window click on Create Backup Operation. Set the Admin state as enabled, select the protocol to use and enter the device hostname where you want to backup the configuration and the name of the file.

Recover Configuration

To recover the configuration you will need to import the configuration from the saved location. To import the configuration go to the Admin tab and select Import Configuration.


A new window will appear, click on Create Import Operation. Select the protocol to use for import operation and enter the hostname of the server and the name of the file.


Level 1
Level 1

You state "This back up process can be set so that it will automatically backup the UCS configuration at specified intervals." Can you be more specific in how this is done? So far, all I can find is that the SEL can be backed up on a regular schedule, but not the UCS config. Here is what the 1.1.1 GUI config guide says about it:

You cannot schedule a backup operation. You can, however, create a backup operation in advance and leave the admin state disabled until you are ready to run the backup. Cisco UCS Manager does not run the backup operation, save, or export the configuration file until you set the admin state of the backup operation to enabled.

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