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Created by: Shouyi Sun on 27-04-2011 07:59:34 AM
I found the 2nd Fabric Interconnect shows "Fabric Interconnect Binapplicable".What does it mean? The first one shows "Fabric Interconnect A(primary)" which I believe is good. If I click the B, it looks all good, the overal status shows operable, the server ports are green. Any idea what inapplicable mean?
Subject: RE: 2nd Fabric Interconnect shows inapplicable
Replied by: Shannon McMackin on 27-04-2011 08:41:36 AM
It's a bug in the 1.4 release. It will be fixed in a subsequent release...
Subject: RE: 2nd Fabric Interconnect shows inapplicable
Replied by: Shouyi Sun on 27-04-2011 08:45:29 AM
So it is just a cosmetic error and won't have functional impact, right? thanks