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Level 11
Level 11
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Created by: Sage Harvey on 14-05-2012 02:43:07 PM
Hi all,
I'm trying to get the CPU speed from the blades I have installed as part of an inventory script.  The Get-UcsBlade commandlet gets me most of what I need, but I can't seem to find where I'd get the speeds from.  Anyone have any suggestions?

Subject: RE: Collect CPU speeds via UCS PowerTool...
Replied by: John McDonough on 14-05-2012 04:40:15 PM
Hi all,
I'm trying to get the CPU speed from the blades I have installed as part of an inventory script.  The Get-UcsBlade commandlet gets me most of what I need, but I can't seem to find where I'd get the speeds from.  Anyone have any suggestions?

Hi Sage,
There are at least two ways to get to the information you are looking for;
- Directly by using the Get-UcsProcessorUnit cmdlet
- Through the structure of the Object Model
  - Get-UcsBlade | Get-UcsComputeBoard | Get-UcsProcessorUnit
Running Get-Help for each one of those commands with show you the input object that is being looked for, as well as other filering options.
Hope that helps, example below.
Here's the output for blade 1/1

PS C:\> Get-UcsBlade -ServerId 1/1 | Get-UcsComputeBoard | Get-UcsProcessorUnit
Arch              : Xeon
Cores             : 4
CoresEnabled      : 4
Id                : 1
Model             : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5540  @ 2.53GHz
OperState         : operable
Operability       : unknown
Perf              : unknown
Power             : not-supported
Presence          : equipped
Revision          : 0
Serial            :
SocketDesignation : CPU1
Speed             : 2.530000
Stepping          : 4
Thermal           : ok
Threads           : 8
Vendor            : Intel(R) Corporation
Visibility        : yes
Voltage           : not-supported
Dn                : sys/chassis-1/blade-1/board/cpu-1
Rn                : cpu-1
Status            :
Ucs               : machine
Arch              : Xeon
Cores             : 4
CoresEnabled      : 4
Id                : 2
Model             : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5540  @ 2.53GHz
OperState         : operable
Operability       : unknown
Perf              : unknown
Power             : not-supported
Presence          : equipped
Revision          : 0
Serial            :
SocketDesignation : CPU2
Speed             : 2.530000
Stepping          : 4
Thermal           : ok
Threads           : 8
Vendor            : Intel(R) Corporation
Visibility        : yes
Voltage           : not-supported
Dn                : sys/chassis-1/blade-1/board/cpu-2
Rn                : cpu-2
Status            :
Ucs               : machine

Subject: RE: Collect CPU speeds via UCS PowerTool...
Replied by: Sage Harvey on 23-05-2012 01:45:54 PM

Thank you very much that was exactly what I needed.

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