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Sandeep Singh
Level 7
Level 7


The KVM on UCS provides easy functionality for users to access the console of servers remotely. KVM eases the management overhead, as it makes the console available remotely. Several users can share the KVM functionality, as it supports a large number of simultaneous sessions.


Users see hung KVM session when connecting to servers. When connecting via KVM users get error "A session to this device already exists. Do you want to try to share the session?" . Clicking no doesn't do anything, and clicking yes gives the following:

"Timeout waiting for sharing request to be approved."


In the 1.4 version of UCS manager, only one user is able to have full control over a KVM session. After the first user is connected subsequent connections will prompt the first user to allow/deny other users to view that session via a pop up dialog box in UCSM. The number of KVM sessions should not create a problem since lot of simultaneous KVM sessions are supported, however what can be seen or done on these sessions depends on the first logged in user or the user who has control of the KVM. Unless the first user allows the sharing of KVM, no other user will be able to open a new KVM session to same server.


If you are the first user of the KVM session; select “Allow” when the pop up appears to share the session.

If you are not the first user or there is no other user, then first check if you are able to ping the management IP address of the server. If this doesn’t work then try to dis-associate and re-associate the server. Note that this will cause the server to reboot. If you can ping the management IP address then try to reset the CIMC of the server. This will only cause a small blip in manageability of the server, other things will keep working. If this still doesn’t work then reboot the server.

As suggested by other users you can right click on the server and select "Reset KVM Server" or do the same under "Recover Server".


Related Documents

New features introduced for CIMC/KVM IP in UCS 1.4.1

Procedure to Gracefully Shutdown and Powerup UCS system

Erase and Reconfigure your UCS system

Level 1
Level 1

You can also right-click on the server and select "Reset KVM Server". This will disconnect the other user and allow you to have access to the device.

Level 1
Level 1

with UCSM 2.1 you find "Reset KVM Server" under "Recover Server"

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