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Level 4
Level 4

A completely new user guide is now available for Cisco customers and partners.

You can access the user guide from the top-right corner of DCP. Click on the Help icon.PNGquestion mark icon to open a separate browser tab. It will immediately open up the table of content of the user guide.

It is written as a collection of bite-sized articles, each accessible from the table of content.

The articles are grouped in 3 sections :

  • The first section is the minimum you should read and allows you to understand the day-to-day usage of DCP. It explains the fundamentals and how to navigate DCP. It further explains the basic functions you will use DCP for.
  • The second section is written for the Cisco customers and Partners that want to use DCP for extensive collaboration with the Cisco services delivery team. To be able to use the functions as explained in this section, you need to be enabled by Cisco.
  • Finally the third section will learn you how to get the most out of DCP, for instance by defining workviews or contact groups.

You can read these articles as a normal user guide by using the navigation arrows ('previous' and 'next' articles) to read the guide in its entirety or section by section.

Alternatively you can use the table of content to select a topic and only read the article to clarify your immediate needs on how to use DCP.

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