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DCP provides extensive collaboration capabilities on uploaded documents, while at the same time ensures proper customer data protection. Defining the correct internal visibility is essential.

This article describes how to define who from Cisco can download a document and who can update the document (either the document itself or its properties). Enabling a document for Customer download is described in a separate article. This article only describes Read and Write access configuration for Cisco employees.

Several document properties are provided to control read access and write access of a document.

In summary :

  Author/Owner Contributor Anyone else
Read Access (download)

3 levels:

  • Project team only
  • Services
  • Anyone at Cisco
Upload a new Version (check-out/lock, check-in)  
Edit properties and other actions (delete/obsolete, discussions, approval)    

Further Details :

Read access

Who can download a document is defined by the internal visibility setting. Open the document properties pane and select the Visibility tab. The first section on this tab defines who from Cisco can download a document. The second section on this tab defines the Document publishing and is described in a separate article.

To define who from Cisco can download a document can be set by choosing from 3 levels:

  • Everyone at Cisco: To promote open collaboration on documents this is set as the default.
  • Services only: Only members of Advanced Services or Technical Services organizations can download the document as well as some 'extended' teams such as Finance RAO, Legal ...
    An exact definition can be viewed by clicking on the 'Services' hyperlink. Clicking on it will expand to show which organizations are included - the name of the organization's director/vice-president is listed.
  • Project team only: Only project team members can download the document. This option is only enabled when the document is linked to a project.
    Here as well an exact listing of the project members can be viewed by clicking on the 'Project Team' hyperlink.

When choosing, carefully balance the open collaborative mindset with the need for data confidentiality.


Note: the users that are listed as Author, Owner or Contributor on a document, can always download the document, irrespective if they fall outside the definition of Read-access (Internal visibility setting).


Note: Contractual documents should be set with the internal visibility not lower than Services. This is to allow Finance and Legal organizations to download the document for audit purposes.

Similarly when you need to collaborate with technical experts from a specific business unit or collaborate with some customer support engineers from Technical services, choose the internal visibility not lower than Services.

At all times, anyone that downloads a document for reuse purposes, should very carefully scrub the document and remove all customer sensitive data.

How does Read access reflects in the Table grid listing and Search results ?  Independent if you have read access or not, documents will be listed per the definition of you filter criteria or search criteria. You can also see the properties of it.
However, if you fall outside the definition of read access (e.g. the Internal visibility is set to Project team and you are not a project team member) you will not be able to download the document. Clicking on the hyperlinked document title will show a 'warning' message explaining that you are not entitled to download the document. The actions pane will also not show the 'download' download.PNG action icon.

Exclude from Search results: An extra option is provided if you want to hide the document from any search result. 'Exclude this content from search result' when checked will not index the document and when performing a search, this document will never appear in the search results.

Write access

A further distinction is made between uploading a new version of a document through check-out/lock and check-in and updating the properties of the document as well as performing further actions (such as deleting/obsoleting, submit for approval and start a discussion).

Contributors can upload a new version through check-out/lock and check-in but can NOT update the properties of the document or perform any other action. They can also always download the document.
The list of contributors to a document is found on the Miscellaneous tab of the properties pane and can be changed by the Author or any of the Owner(s). How to do this is explained in previous article.


Note: Invitees on a Discussion or an Approval of a document are automatically added as Contributor.


The author and owner(s) of the document have full write access. They can upload a new version through check-out/lock and check-in and they can also update the properties of the document or perform any other action. They can also always download the document.
By default the person uploading the initial version of the document is set as author. Similarly, when a document is linked to a project, all active project team members are added as an owner. However this can be changed in the document properties and how to do this is explained in previous article.

Notes: An external customer contact can be added as a contributor or an owner as well to provide him upload access or full write access. The internal and external visibility setting however can not be changed by an external customer contact. The Visibility tab is hidden from external customer contacts at all times.

When a external customer contact uploads the initial version of a document (this can be enabled through a specific setting at the project level), the owners definition is then limited to the Project Manager and Work Manager(s) of the project.


Be careful if you remove yourself as author and/or owner from a document properties, you loose write access and you will not be able to further update the properties or upload a new version of the document.

Related articles:

Updating Extended Properties via Properties Pane

Publish a Document

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