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The amount of information that is available at hand through DCP is enormous and it will continue to grow in volume. That makes it important to get to the relevant information as quickly as possible, without losing flexibility. For this, DCP provides 3 ways of filtering the information: table configurations, left pane focus-filtering and column filtering. Some filter settings query the data from the database servers while other filters quickly filter the data locally without initiating a database query.
It is important to become acquainted with the DCP filter methodology, to get most out of it.

Following overview table explains the DCP filtering methodologies and co-relation between :

  Filter name What it does Server/Client based Notes
1 Table configuration It queries the database per a combination of multiple filter-criteria. It combines this with the workview filter setting (2a). It applies a defined sort order and displays the selected columns per a defined order. Server

Applying a new or different table configuration triggers the query from the database. It further resets all Column filters (3) as well as the Left pane Customer (2b) and Left pane Project (2c) filter.

You can choose from several Preset configurations or from your own Custom created configurations.

2a Left pane :  Workview

It defines a list of Projects and queries the database limited to the defined list of projects in the workview definition.

It combines it with the selected table configuration filter criteria (1).

Server Applying or changing workview triggers the query from database query. It further resets all Column filters (3) as well as the Left pane Customer (2b) and Left pane Project (2c) filter.
2b Left pane : Customer focus It further filters the information that was previously queried from the database to a particular customer. Client Applying or changing the Left pane Customer focus further filters the previously downloaded information without resetting any other filter. Applying a Left pane Customer focus locks the PID and Customer Column header filters (3).
2c Left pane : Project focus It further filters the information that was previously queried from the database to a particular project. Client Applying or changing the Left pane Project focus further filters the previously downloaded information without resetting any other filter. Applying a Left pane Project focus locks the PID and Customer Column header filters (3).
3 Column filter It further filters the information that was previosuly queried from the database per one or more column header filter criteria. Client Changing or adding an addditional Column filter criteria further filters the previously downloaded information without resetting any other filter.
  Refresh icon This doesn't change the filter conditions but refreshes the information from the database per the combined filter criteria of all 3 filters. Server Clicking the icon triggers the database query. None of the filter settings are reset.


Note: the term 'server'-based versus 'client'-based used in the table indicates if the filter applied queries the information from the database servers versus filters the information that was previously already downloaded from the servers on your local machine.

This implementation is done to provide a performance user experience by eliminating unnecessary wait-time.


Some change in column filter or Left pane Customer or Project focus-filter might trigger a warning to refresh from the database server. This is done if the system calculates that there might still be information on the server that was not yet downloaded to your local machine.


The records downloaded to your local machine are limited to 500, at all time.


lightbulb atlantic.png Tips
Sometimes a table listing and all its filtering is not what you need. You are maybe searching information on a particular topic or you know exactly what document you need. For this, DCP also offers the 'Search' functionality. The search provided in DCP only searches Documents (what is provided in the content management functional area). With this functionality you can do a basic or advanced search to particular document meta-data. This is further explained in its respective article.


Related articles :

Table Configurations

Column Filtering

Left Pane Filter

Overview of DCP landing page

Search content

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