I built an OVA for a virtual service following the Getting Started KVM developer guide:
XEService_DeveloperGuide.pdf - Box
Once loaded into an ISR router I got:
router# $vice install name netbeez_agent package bootflash:netbeez-agent.ova
Installing package 'bootflash:/netbeez-agent.ova' for virtual-service 'netbeez_agent'. Once the install has finished, the VM may be activated. Use 'show virtual-service list' for progress.
Sep 13 13:55:49.956: %VMAN-3-INVALID_PACKAGE: SIP1: vman: Virtual Service[netbeez_agent]::Invalid package::Failed to verify virtual service package-def file::No XML in the package; The package file does not contain a '.xml' file
On this guide:
I read that the .xml file is mandatory .. however, the procedure I followed doesn't explain how