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Level 4
Level 4

Students working toward careers in IT/Networking, network architecture, and network administration face a rapidly evolving landscape dominated by two significant trends:

First, digitization. Analog information in just about all forms (text, photographs, voice, etc.) is being converted to digital form so that the information can be processed, stored, and transmitted through digital circuits, equipment, and networks. The sheer volume and diversity of digital information flooding our networks creates challenges (a.k.a. opportunities) for network engineers.

Second, network programmability allows the network engineer to use software coding skills to develop network applications in programmable environments, and thus get rid of a lot of manual processes. Whether students become developers themselves or, at a minimum, have sufficient understanding of coding requirements to work effectively with software developers who are creating applications to run on their networks, software skills will be crucial to a student's future career.

What Does This Mean For NetAcad instructors?

Digitization is disrupting traditional networks and driving the need to adopt evolving technologies. Networks are becoming programmable, virtualized and software-driven. Your students need to understand these concepts and what will be required of them in the professional environment. Cisco DevNet can help you:

  • Prepare your students for the future by introducing them to concepts and tools used for Software-Defined Networks
  • Prepare students to work cross-functionally across organizations to help drive network automation initiatives
  • Teach students about the programming of hardware, controllers and components required to move to the IoT. Here's a good article on this subject Programmable network will power Internet of Everything.

Call to Action

Join us in Cisco DevNet by providing your input and feedback on how we can help provide the tools, learning labs, mentors and experiences that prepare for student for the future of IoT, digitization, and network programmability.

In the near future, DevNet will be providing learning materials in a module format for NetAcademy that will introduce these technologies to you. Be sure to follow this blog for the latest news.

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