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can't download ACI Lab Walkthrough istructions pdf


 inside the ACI Simulator 6.0 "Operation Hub page", there is a link to this file:

that is the guide for that Lab, but I can't download it because the browsers always return a security error (SSL PROTOCOL ERROR).

does someone have any tip?

thank you, 

best wishes



3 Replies 3

Jesus Illescas
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

I'm quite sure that URL is only reachable from inside the VPN of the sandbox. Since the sandbox is not available at this moment, I think is better to wait until is available and try again once you are connected to the sandbox VPN.


Hello Jesus, 

actually I can't download the file neither when I am connected to the VPN. The browser always advise me that the site is unsecure/ "there is a ssl protocol error" and I can't go further.

Any other hint ?

Thank you much

Kind regards

Jesus Illescas
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi, I launched a reservation to test for myself and I confirm I can't get the instructions as well. I will let the team know about it for fix it.