el 03-07-2014 03:42 PM
Hi all,
I have two N7K with all licenses that were purchased with SUP1.
Now we will change the SUP1 for a SUP 2E.
It's necessary to purchase licensing again knowing this attached by chassis and not by supervisor?
When i change the SUP1 to SUP 2E all the licenses that i had active in SUP1 goes on SUP 2E?
¡Resuelto! Ir a solución.
el 03-11-2014 12:37 PM
Hello Hans,
Please see this link
You will need to copy licenses to the new Sup
el 03-11-2014 12:37 PM
Hello Hans,
Please see this link
You will need to copy licenses to the new Sup
el 04-04-2014 07:49 AM
thanks for your help, you are right for the answer.
Hans V.
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