05-26-2011 04:38 PM - editado 03-21-2019 04:38 PM
RP/0/0/CPU0:PAR1.Dallas1-TX#show route % This command is not authorized
hola, tengo problemas al configurar los grupos adecuados.
como puedo saber a que grupos debe de pertenecer un usuario para que pueda ejectuar los comandos necesarios.
¡Resuelto! Ir a solución.
el 05-26-2011 04:42 PM
Hola Fernando
la forma mas sencilla es utilizar el comando describe,
este te indicara que tasks debes de tener para poder ejecutar el comando.
You can see what taskids you need by using the describe command. Here is an example RP/0/1/CPU0:12810#describe clear counters The command is defined in statsd_cmds.parser Node 0/1/CPU0 has file statsd_cmds.parser for boot package /disk0/c12k- os-mbi-3.8.1/mbiprp-rp.vm from c12k-base Package: c12k-base c12k-base V3.8.1[00] Base Package for 124xx Vendor : Cisco Systems Desc : Base Package for 124xx Build : Built on Thu Jul 30 13:56:57 EDT 2009 Source : By iox2 in /auto/srcarchive3/production/3.8.1/c12k/ workspace for c4.2.1-p0 Card(s): RP, RP-PRP3, DRP, DRPSC, OC3-POS-4, OC12-POS, GE-3, OC12-POS-4, OC48-POS, E3-OC48-POS, E3-OC12-POS-4, E3-OC3-POS-16, E3- OC3-POS-8, E3-OC3-POS-4, E3-OC48-CH, E3-OC12-CH-4, E3-GE-4, E3-OC3- ATM-4, E3-OC12-ATM-4, E5-CEC, E5-CEC-v2, SE-SEC, EZ24-4x10GE, EZ24-40x1GE, EZ40-40x1GE, EZ40-4x10GE, EZ40-8x10GE, E3-OC12-CH-1 Restart information: Default: parallel impacted processes restart Component: infra-statsd V[r38x/5] Distributed stats server File: statsd_cmds.parser Card(s) : RP, DRP File type : Default Remotely-hosted : No Local view : /pkg/parser/statsd_cmds.parser Local install path : /disk0/c12k-base-3.8.1/parser/ statsd_cmds.parser Central install path : /disk0/c12k-base-3.8.1/parser/ statsd_cmds.parser User needs ALL of the following taskids: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< interface (EXECUTE) It will take the following actions: Fri Nov 6 12:25:09.619 EDT Spawn the process: clear_counters all RP/0/1/CPU0:12810#
agrega los tasks necesarios al usuario,
posteriormente puedes revisar que en el show user esten configurados los permisos
el 05-26-2011 04:42 PM
Hola Fernando
la forma mas sencilla es utilizar el comando describe,
este te indicara que tasks debes de tener para poder ejecutar el comando.
You can see what taskids you need by using the describe command. Here is an example RP/0/1/CPU0:12810#describe clear counters The command is defined in statsd_cmds.parser Node 0/1/CPU0 has file statsd_cmds.parser for boot package /disk0/c12k- os-mbi-3.8.1/mbiprp-rp.vm from c12k-base Package: c12k-base c12k-base V3.8.1[00] Base Package for 124xx Vendor : Cisco Systems Desc : Base Package for 124xx Build : Built on Thu Jul 30 13:56:57 EDT 2009 Source : By iox2 in /auto/srcarchive3/production/3.8.1/c12k/ workspace for c4.2.1-p0 Card(s): RP, RP-PRP3, DRP, DRPSC, OC3-POS-4, OC12-POS, GE-3, OC12-POS-4, OC48-POS, E3-OC48-POS, E3-OC12-POS-4, E3-OC3-POS-16, E3- OC3-POS-8, E3-OC3-POS-4, E3-OC48-CH, E3-OC12-CH-4, E3-GE-4, E3-OC3- ATM-4, E3-OC12-ATM-4, E5-CEC, E5-CEC-v2, SE-SEC, EZ24-4x10GE, EZ24-40x1GE, EZ40-40x1GE, EZ40-4x10GE, EZ40-8x10GE, E3-OC12-CH-1 Restart information: Default: parallel impacted processes restart Component: infra-statsd V[r38x/5] Distributed stats server File: statsd_cmds.parser Card(s) : RP, DRP File type : Default Remotely-hosted : No Local view : /pkg/parser/statsd_cmds.parser Local install path : /disk0/c12k-base-3.8.1/parser/ statsd_cmds.parser Central install path : /disk0/c12k-base-3.8.1/parser/ statsd_cmds.parser User needs ALL of the following taskids: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< interface (EXECUTE) It will take the following actions: Fri Nov 6 12:25:09.619 EDT Spawn the process: clear_counters all RP/0/1/CPU0:12810#
agrega los tasks necesarios al usuario,
posteriormente puedes revisar que en el show user esten configurados los permisos
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