03-07-2023 12:55 AM - editado 03-13-2023 04:50 AM
I could use some assistance.
I implemented the right part of this scenario, but I'm not sure if it's correct. Vlan 10 is the vlan where the client gets internet trough meraki they have MEraki MR on the switches , the cleints get internet via wifi vlan 10 ) .
To build an SDWAN between those networks is my goal.
My customer uses FTTH ( left part) , and my goal is to send traffic to the ISR, which is connected via PPOE.
When I disconnects the primary router, they lose internet access. The traffic dosent go out for the ISR
I am observing the ISR router, whose NAt is APIPA ip, and observing that they lack DNS. I am unsure of how I should configure the ISR to acquire DNS.
Note: I configured a DHCP server with vlan 10 and my provider's DNS. I created a test with a user immediately connecting on the SW9200 with vlan 10, and he or she received an internet connection, but the DNS forti
el 03-07-2023 03:06 AM
Sorry I dont get what you try here,
you have two ISR and you want one to become PPPoE server and other PPPoE Client ??
el 03-07-2023 03:29 AM
At least I want the customers to be able to access the ISP router.
The goal is to make the ISR so important that when the primary router, FTTH1, is disconnected, the client no longer receives internet connectivity for the ISR.
When I was creating a trial, I noticed that the clients weren't receiving DNS.
el 03-07-2023 03:36 AM
CPE#show ppp interface virtual-access x PPP Serial Context Info ------------------- Interface : Vi3 PPP Serial Handle: 0xEE000005 PPP Handle : 0x5B000005 SSS Handle : 0x7E000006 AAA ID : 26 Access IE : 0xA3000005 SHDB Handle : 0x0 State : Up Last State : Binding Last Event : LocalTerm PPP Session Info ---------------- Interface : Vi3 PPP ID : 0x5B000005 Phase : UP Stage : Local Termination Peer Name : lac Peer Address : Control Protocols: LCP[Open] IPCP[Open] CDPCP[Stopped] Session ID : 5 AAA Unique ID : 26 SSS Manager ID : 0x7E000006 SIP ID : 0xEE000005 PPP_IN_USE : 0x11 Vi3 LCP: [Open] Our Negotiated Options Vi3 LCP: MagicNumber 0x023A6422 (0x0506023A6422) Peer's Negotiated Options Vi3 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) Vi3 LCP: AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305) Vi3 LCP: MagicNumber 0x52D1CDE4 (0x050652D1CDE4) Vi3 IPCP: [Open] Our Negotiated Options Vi3 IPCP: Address (0x030665656566) Vi3 IPCP: PrimaryDNS (0x810604020202) Our Rejected options SecondaryDNS Peer's Negotiated Options Vi3 IPCP: Address (0x03060101010A
run above command and see if the user get DNS through PPPoE dialer or not
el 03-07-2023 04:22 AM
Dialer1 YES IPCP up up
Virtual-Access1 unassigned YES unset up up
Virtual-Access2 unassigned YES manual up up
ISR1#show ppp interface Virtual-Access2
PPP Serial Context Info
Interface : Vi2
PPP Serial Handle: 0xBE000003
PPP Handle : 0xEC000002
SSS Handle : 0xF0000004
AAA ID : 4035
Access IE : 0xF6000002
SHDB Handle : 0x0
State : Up
Last State : Binding
Last Event : LocalTerm
PPP Session Info
Interface : Vi2
PPP ID : 0xEC000002
Phase : UP
Stage : Local Termination
Peer Name : hl4mvn3-101
Peer Address :
Control Protocols: LCP[Open] IPCP[Open] CDPCP[Stopped]
Session ID : 2
AAA Unique ID : 4035
SSS Manager ID : 0xF0000004
SIP ID : 0xBE000003
PPP_IN_USE : 0x11
Vi2 LCP: [Open]
Our Negotiated Options
Vi2 LCP: MRU 1492 (0x010405D4)
Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0x3170C613 (0x05063170C613)
Peer's Negotiated Options
Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC)
Vi2 LCP: AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305)
Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0x6512D0D9 (0x05066512D0D9)
Vi2 IPCP: [Open]
Our Negotiated Options
Vi2 IPCP: Address (0x0306028BC62F)
Peer's Negotiated Options
Vi2 IPCP: Address (0x0306C0A89001)
ISR1#show ppp interface Virtual-Access1
PPP Serial Context Info
Interface : Vi1
PPP Serial Handle: 0x0
PPP Handle : 0x0
SSS Handle : 0x0
AAA ID : 0
Access IE : 0x0
SHDB Handle : 0x0
State : Down
Last State : Init
Last Event : None
el 03-07-2023 04:47 AM
and it answer your Q, even if you ask dns through dialer you dont get DNS server IP from PPPoE Server.
el 03-07-2023 05:26 AM
Yes , I know so How then can I obtain DNS using the provider?
The ISR setup was there, right?
el 03-07-2023 05:33 AM
ppp ipcp dns request <<- only check this command is appear in show run
el 03-07-2023 07:04 AM
yes iI put before that command it iwas not the solution
el 03-07-2023 07:09 AM
Yes the PPPoE Server must push DNS if the PPPoE client request it.
from your side I think you dont have option except
you push ISR to LAN client (via DHCP)
and then your router will do lookup and you can specify DNS server
this make client ask DNS from router and router will proxy the DNS request to
el 03-07-2023 12:02 PM
Hence, each vlan would need to have its own dhcp and DNS setup on the ISR it is crazy ?
I would like to get the DNS via my provider
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