Hello there,
To achieve it, you will need CLI access to your cloud SMA (more info on Command Line Interface access can be found https://docs.ces.cisco.com/docs/ces-customer-cli-access#) and use the SCP protocol.
From windows:
Open a PuTTy session or the SSH client of your preference and load the proxy configuration that you use to connect to the SMA, leave the proxy window open and run the following command using Command Prompt (CMD):
pscp -P <port> -r <user>@localhost:/configuration/slbl-420DE9AD994-CBF825261-20190925T3228.csv c:/path/localsystem
<port> - is the port you specify in the CLI configuration for the SMA
<user> - your CES username
pscp -P 2201 -r cesuser@ c:/Users/userid/Desktop
Alternatively, you may request to download it via a TAC ticket.
Hope this is helpful.
José L. Dávila