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Ironport Encryption Appliance v6.5.5

Level 1
Level 1

We are running Ironport Encryption Appliance v6.5.5 and it currently uses SQL 2005 for its database.  We would like to move this database to another server running SQL 2008R2.  Is SQL 2008R2 supported for v6.5.5, and if so, what are the steps that need to be taken with the appliance once the database has been moved into SQL 2008R2?

3 Replies 3

Robert Sherwin
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Should be along the lines similar to migrating DBs associated to the IEA:

1. Backup your configuration file

* Make a copy of the pxeconf.xml.  Here is the location of the file.


2. Backup the existing Postgres DB

* To manually backup:

# su – postgres
$ pg_dump postx > /tmp/my_db_backup.sql

3. Setup the external DB along with the appropriate changes to the Firewall, ports, admin user, password etc.

4. Creating tables in MSSQL from PostX

The following steps show how to create tables for MSSQL with PostX running on 6.X.X

Run a quick test to see if you can connect to the DB

* From the CLI of the IEA 

telnet <hostname of the DB server> <on the port of DB server is communicating on>

Make sure you can connect to the database server before proceeding.

* To CREATE MSSQL TABLE UNDER JBOSS (DB must already exist)

/usr/local/postx/server/bin/ mssql create -url jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<hostname>:1433/<dbname> -user <username> -password <password> -dbname <dbname>

* To check SQL Server under JBOSS:

/usr/local/postx/server/bin/ mssql check -url jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://hostname:1433/database -user username -password password -dbname database

5. Migrate data from the backup to MSSQL

* Since this is an external database, this process is not supported by Customer Support.

* The following file, "my_db_backup.sql", is the DB backup from Step #2.  You'll need to import this data into MSSQL.


6.  Update the "pxeconf.xml" file to reflect the new DB change.

Search for "DBDialect" and change the value to "SQLServer".  Replace all references to the old_hostname to the new_hostname for the new DB.

7.  Restart the PostX service

/etc/init.d/postx stop force

/etc/init.d/postx start



Robert, thanks for your response but I don’t think this quite applies to our situation.  We’re running an all Windows environment and currently have IEA 6.5 running on SQL Server 2005.  We want to move the database to another server running SQL Server 2008R2 if possible.  Do you know if IEA 6.5 support running on SQL 2008R2?  If so, then why couldn’t we just backup the SQL 2005 database, restore it on the target SQL 2008R2 server, create the database login that IEA needs to connect to SQL, and then make the datasource changes in either the pxeconf.xml or through the Ironport GUI?   Thanks again.

Miguel :

Correct. Assuming you've moved the data from one Microsoft SQL instance to the other your next steps are:

1. Stop Postx

$sudo service postx status
$sudo service postx stop
$sudo service postx status << did it stop? if not, try:
$sudo service postx stop force

2. Create a backup of your pxeconf.xml file:

cp /usr/local/postx/server/conf/pxeconf.xml /usr/local/postx/server/conf/pxeconf-bak.xml

3. Modify the pxeconf.xml with your new hostname, database name and password

4. Start Postx and verify it started

$sudo service postx start
$sudo service postx status << did it start?

Also try to access the GUI of the IEA. If the web page loads you have succeeded.

5. If any issues revert to your old database

Repeat Steps 1-4 and replace the following with step 2:
cp /usr/local/postx/server/conf/pxeconf-bak.xml /usr/local/postx/server/conf/pxeconf.xml