Hi all,
Has anyone seen the following error please or has a troubleshooting hint: -
"[NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM (15/10/2012 18:35:12) - Service request cancelled due to an error.
Error Code: 10000
Error Description: Failed to create lease requisition.
Fault code: soap:Server
Fault string: Service Form Field: 'WarningDate2' has Date format issue.
Fault details: REQ_0024Service Form Field: 'WarningDate2' has Date format issue.
- CIAC = 3.01
- Date and Time format on the CCP, CPO, vmware and SQL servers all Italian (dd/mm/yy)
- This only happens when we add a Lease Time on the request.
- Do they all have to be set to the US format for this to work?
- If this is a regional setting thing, do I have to change the format on all of the servers (CIAC components)?