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gatewaySccpEndpoints - calling party transformation CSS issues


I'm working with gatewaySccpEndpoints on 12.5SU6 and I'm hitting a snag

On ccmadmin, I configured a "calling party transformation CSS". Looking at the AXL schema, I have 3 transformation Css:


1) cgpnTransformationCssName

2) cdpnTransformationCssName

3) callingPartyUnknownTransformationCssName


in CCMAdmin, I have but two values: 'calling party transformation css' for 'Caller ID for calls from this phone' and 'Calling Party transformation css' for 'Remote number'.


By configuring both values in ccmadmin, and doing a getGatewaySccpEndpoints, I was able to determine that the 'remote number' calling party transformation css is in fact the cgpnTransformationCssName.


I'm not seeing the value I configured for 'caller id for calls from this phone', the css is simply not there in the response to my get request. 


Also, given that ccmadmin has but two values, but AXL has three... what's with the third value?


finally.. the elements are called the same in ccmadmin as on a regular phone. But in AXL, on the phone, we have the cgpnIngressDn which is the 'Caller ID For Calls From This Phone'.. so why the difference?


2 Replies 2

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

This one's pretty baffling - my suspicion is that things in this area changed over time.  It may also be that the behaviour changes somewhat depending on the device model..?

Here is what I found when working with a Cisco 269X/NM-4VWIC-MBRD/VIC-4FXS-SCCP:


Caller ID For Calls From This Phone

  • Dropdown:
    • DB: device.fkcallingsearchspace_cgpningressdn
    • AXL: (missing)
  • Checkbox:
    • DB: usedevicepoolcgpningressdn
    • AXL: (missing)

Remote Number

  • Dropdown:
    • DB: fkcallingsearchspace_cgpntransform
    • AXL: <cgpnTransformationCssName>
  • Checkbox:
    • DB: usedevicepoolcgpntransformcss
    • AXL: <useDevicePoolCgpnTransformCss>

So, the stuff under Caller ID For Calls From This Phone does not seem to be accessible via AXL, nor does <callingPartyUnknownTransformationCssName/>/<useDevicePoolCgpnTransformCssUnknown/> seem to be used.


In the new and changed area of the Data Dictionary, it appears that these fields were added to the device table in 12.5(1): fkcallingsearchspace_cgpningressdn/ things have changed somehow.

There is this validation rule on the device table, which seems to suggest these fields may be applied differently depending on the type of device:


If you need to get to the very bottom of all of this, I would suggest opening a DeNet Developer Support case so we can research more and consult with engineering...

what I found in the meantime is that these ports on the SCCP gateways also come up as analog device (thus you can extract them using getPhone). So, could it be that we're supposed to treat the port as a phone, and thus getPhone, addPhone, updatePhone, etc.