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The Great Selenelion

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I am working with our Developers and what was working as an API in CUC 0.5.2 is not in CUC 12.5 (SU6)Is there a document that spells out the changes?The entry used to be /"<alias>aaydin</alias>/<firstName>Aydin</firstName>/<lastName>Aydin</lastName>/...

jwilson by Level 1
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Hi,I am trying to get number of calls waiting in a Hunt Pilot. I have enabled "setHuntListEnabled" feature and been getting hunt pilot creation event and based on that i am creating queue calls.Everything works fine including calls events, dnd etc as...

I am not able to make changes via API to CER v14. I am always getting back a 400 - bad request. I got past the read portion of CER after I figured out that you have to parse out the 'Set-Cookie' header and send it back in a subsequent request as a 'C...

Hi all,I'm new here and to RisPort70 API; using the "SelectCmDevice" endpoint on "CmDevice" > "Product" field I receive a number: e.g. 382 (<ns1:Product>382</ns1:Product>).Where I could find a table or an enum object with the related label?Something ...

We are issuing a request on our newly installed CUCM 15 and I am getting nothing in the response despite having 3 records in that list. Our CUCM 14 works fine and returns the requested values. POST /axl/ HTTP/1.1 <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="h...

lneyman by Level 1
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Hi,I was wondering if you guys encountered the following issue(s): Sometimes, the API for a simple call to endpoint /cerappservices/export/lanswitch/info returns 1. Nothing, empty content2. Takes too much to return something, timeout 3. A message tha...

I can grab the config of the particular phone using Postman and see the setting pcPort. When I change that setting from Postman, the XML shows it changed but the Call Manager web admin does not show the change. I can successfully change other attribu...

Hi, perhaps I missed it in the documentation but is there no calls in the API for the OnSiteAlertIDs? I'm looking for a way to manage all of the onsite alert contacts. We have slightly over 150 contacts and managing them in the CER interface is chall...