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Cisco ISE 2.2 Profiling with BYOD together

Level 1
Level 1

Hi I'm Ivan

I have a question

Does it is possible join both technologies in one process or 2 proceess using policy to authenticate and authorize, BYOD and Profiling?

I would like to analyze BYOD together with Profiling to enforcement the access of my users when they try access using BYOD with an smartphone android or apple. I would like to enforcement that with Profiling to Apple or Android

Please can you help me with any documentacion or link?



5 Replies 5

Francesco Molino
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

You can enroll your devices first and then when the device is connecting to the network you can user the profiling took apply different authorization Profil.

Is that what you meant?

PS: Please don't forget to rate and select as validated answer if this answered your question

Hi, thanks you for the answer. I would like to join Dot1X + BYOD + Profiling with authen and author policies.

How can i do it?


You want to do dot1x (byod) and profiling after the enrollment process right?

If yes, you'll need to go to profiling elements and select your profiles device group and check the box create group.
Then on your policy-set, like any other authorization rules, you'll create a rule saying if device type is Apple-iPhone and user member of specific AD group, the result would be iPhone-Authorization-Profile and so forth for all your profiled devices.

Is that clear?

PS: Please don't forget to rate and select as validated answer if this answered your question


But i don't understand the following.

If the policy to authenticate byod services for apple says: EAP TLS with Certificate Auth Profile, and Profiling to authenticate use MAB services for internal identity store (it was created when i configure profiling policy), how can exist both dot1x and MAB?




Profiling doesn't mean MAB. Profiling is based on multiple probe source like dhcp, dns, http, netflow....


Then, when your device is authenticating in dot1x, it will go through the authentication process and then move to the authorization process, right. In that authorization, no matter if it's dot1x or MAB, you can define policies based on a profil group device.


In conclusion, profiling will be used mainly in the authorization rules nothing related with MAB or dot1x that are part of Authentication rules. On ISE, on the policy-set, the authentication is done on the 1st half part of the page while authorization is the 2nd half part of page and it will be in this section where you gonna use profiling groups.


Is it more clear?

PS: Please don't forget to rate and select as validated answer if this answered your question