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Cisco ISE Disabled authentication in portal guest

Level 1
Level 1

Hi, dear..


How to disabled autentication in portal guest to ends users ? It is possible ?we have customers who have laptop with GPOs, allowing not show my guest portal to ends users. I am talking in about having end users not have to go through the portal page.



2 Replies 2

Antonio Torres
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hello Renanbala,

If I understand correctly,  you want certain endpoints not to have to go through the guest flow.

Instead of trying to disable guest portal,   you should better work with the Authz policy that triggers CWA.

If endpoints are getting redirected to the guest portal in typical CWA setup,  this means  that there is an AuthZ policy that as a result,  is sending back the redirect URL / ACL,  and this will happen if certain conditions are met.

If you want to prevent certain enpoints from accessing the guest portal,  this is as simple as playing with your AuthZ policies conditions.

Of course, perfect solution will be based on your specific needs and current deployment.






Hi antontor, thanks for answer!


You are correctly, I dont to go through the guset flow.

Sorry, we do not know the settings of ISE.
The idea would be to configure MAC ADDRESS for example, you could give an example of how we set up this way