Hi All Cisco NAC Experts, I am currently experiencing a Cisco NAC NAC3315-SVR hang issue.
The issue was already happened for few time on the same server and the symptom when NAC server hung includes no response to ICMP ping, no response to SSH request, no response for access request to CAS management page via https, HA pair was detected down from its HA neighbor and triggered failover to secondary CAS.
The CAS server was recovered after manually power cycle the hardware.
After went through the attachment CAS logs, I found all the services and logging service were stopped when the issue happening but unfortunately there is no any suspicious activity was logged down before or during the issue happening.
I have also tried to search on Cisco Bug Toolkit but no similar case was found, I believe it was not caused by software bug due to the software version 4.8.1 is running in my company for years and only one CAS server having the issue.
That will be great if any one can help me out for the same.