Hi All!
I am trying to retrieve all Endpoints in a particular EndpointGroup via the ISE ERS API. What I am trying is:
GET https://<ISE-ADMIN-NODE>:9060/ers/config/endpoint?size=10&sortdsc=name&filter=identityGroup.EQ.<GroupName>
ACCEPT: application/vnd.com.cisco.ise.identity.endpoint.1.0+xml
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns2:ersResponse operation="GET-getAll-endpoint" xmlns:ns2="ers.ise.cisco.com">
<link type="application/xml" href="https://<ISE-ADMIN-NODE>:9060/ers/config/endpoint?size=10&sortdsc=name&filter=identityGroup.EQ.<GroupName>" rel="related"/>
<message code="Query string validation exception" type="ERROR"><title>The filter field 'identityGroup' is not supported</title></message>
I have alredy tried 'identityGroup', 'staticGroup', 'group' and 'endpointGroup' as the field-name in the filter.
Querying Users in a specific IdentityGroup works this way.
Does anyone know of a way to achieve what I am trying (probably I am missing something obvious)?
Thanks in advance,
Michael Langerreiter