Hi Karen,
If I understand the problem correctly, it is an OOB setup, with PCs behind IP phones, and sometimes, authenticated users, are put back in the unauthenticated role. (or, users in access VLAN are put back into authentication VLAN even though they didn't log off).
1. Is there any session timeout for the role that they are in when they are authenticated?
2. Is some one else connecting to the same phone? (Cisco IP phones can act as a 3 port switch. 1 port for the phone, and upto two computers). When the switch learns a different mac address, it sets the port to authentication vlan, since that mac address is not in the trusted user list.
3. Is this issue reproducible easily and consistently?
4. What happens on the user pc, when the VLAN changes back to authentication VLAN?
5. If possible, please collect the cam trace logs at the time of the incident, and post them here.
Live logs can be collected using the command "tail -f /perfigo/control/tomcat/logs/nac_manager.log" on the CAM CLI.