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Why Cisco ISE ping Server domain name (SRV.local) ?

Level 1
Level 1
I did not join my Cisco ISE in the Active Directory DNS zone, but the Cisco ISE still could resolve the domain name of the server which is SRV.local and could ping test.SRV.local, shall i still need to put it in the DNS zone and in the Reversed DNS Zone ?
2 Replies 2

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Jason

If I understand your Problem right: Your ISE Server telling you that he can't resolve his own hostname in health check?
Then: yes you need to put it in your DNS Server in both ways.


@Jason2005 wrote:
I did not join my Cisco ISE in the Active Directory DNS zone, but the Cisco ISE still could resolve the domain name of the server which is SRV.local and could ping test.SRV.local, shall i still need to put it in the DNS zone and in the Reversed DNS Zone ?

If you haven't explicitly configured your Cisco ISE with DNS server information, it might be using default DNS settings or obtaining DNS information dynamically from your network infrastructure. 

Regarding whether you need to put your Cisco ISE in the DNS zone and the Reversed DNS Zone, it depends on your network configuration and security requirements. Placing devices in DNS zones allows for easier management and resolution of their hostnames, while reverse DNS zones are primarily used for resolving IP addresses to hostnames.

If your Cisco ISE is functioning correctly and able to resolve domain names without being explicitly added to DNS zones, it might not be necessary to add it. However, it's generally a good practice to ensure that all devices in your network are properly configured and accounted for in DNS to maintain consistency and facilitate troubleshooting if issues arise.