04-11-2012 04:35 AM
In what there can be a problem?
pdshow ANIServer
04-11-2012 06:09 AM
Sorry to jump on your thread but I have the same issue running LMS Prime 4.1 - fresh install. I have verified the ANServer.properties file and appears not to be corrupted.
I have re-initalised the database - which appears to be completed successfully but this process still fails to start ( note : i had to use PS_explorer to kill a process which still had the DB file open despite the service being stopped to do the re-initalisation successfully )
I installed using local admin to a directory with no spaces in it ( c:\program_apps ) running on Windows 2008 SP2 inside a ESX3.5.
C:\Program_apps\CSCOpx\bin>pdshow ANIServer
Process= ANIServer
State = Failed to run
Pid = 0
RC = -2
Signo = 1073741822
Start = N/A
Stop = 11/04/2012 13:34:20
Core = Not applicable
Info = Application failed or was registered incorrectly.
I have no data inside the LMS yet but cant progress this issue at the moment to add anything in.
Any help would be appreciated.
04-12-2012 02:43 AM
Idieally you may want to check if the ANIServer.properties is corrupt by matching it with ANIServer.properties.orig file. The file should not be less in size than the orig file.
To recover just copy the content from ANIServer.propertis.orig to ANIServer.propertis and modify the following lines :
Ideally in .orig file DEVICEROOT will be blank and NMSROOT is the install directory of you Ciscoworks Server, like :
04-12-2012 02:57 AM
Thanks - in the end it was the DEVICESROOT which was set to "." Now seems to be running.
04-12-2012 03:44 AM
Good to know the feedback on it worked. please close the thread if this is fixed now.
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