Hello everyone,
I'm trying to implement EEM on FTD (, through FlexConfig Object (using FMC).
I have an IP SLA and I want to track it and eventualy to shutdown an interface in case of "track down".
After creating FlexConfig policy, I get deployment error on FTD.
Here is the EEM config:
event manager applet EEM_IP_SLA_DOWN
description “Tracking an object and shut OUTSIDE interface”
event track 1 state down
action 1 cli command “enable”
action 2 cli command “conf t”
action 3 cli command “interface GigabitEthernet0/0”
action 4 cli command “shutdown”
action 5 cli command “end”
event manager applet EEM_IP_SLA_UP
description “Tracking an object and no shut OUTSIDE interface”
event track 1 state up
action 1 cli command “enable”
action 2 cli command “conf t”
action 3 cli command “interface GigabitEthernet0/0”
action 4 cli command “no shutdown”
action 5 cli command “end”
After "deployment error", when I "show run" on FTD, I get this...
event manager applet EEM_IP_SLA_DOWN
description “Tracking an object and shut OUTSIDE interface”
output none
It seems that "event track" is not supported, since "event timer" command works fine.
Did someone tried something simmilar, using "event track" on FTD?