I'm trying to run a SNMP custom massage via EEM applet.
In the string of one of the vrbinds I'm using a global variable from the EMM environment.
I can print it, and read it but failing to do so inside the string of the varbind.
the applet looks something like this:
event none
action 1.0 info type snmp var vbinds oid string "interface $_interface is Down"
action 2.0 info type snmp var vbinds oid int 5
action 3.0 info type snmp var vbinds oid string "$_interface"
action 4.0 puts "This is the interface $_interface"
action 5.0 info type snmp trap enterprise-oid generic-trapnum 6 specific-trapnum 1 trap-oid trap-var vbinds
The first line is the problamtic one, and the fourth line is also problamteic.
When I took a capture instead of a real interface number I got $_interface.
the output of the event manager environment
all shows the following:
No. Name Value
1 _log_file syslog:
2 _cron_entry * * * * *
3 _interfaceSLA 41
4 _interface 41
What I have expected to see in the capture is, instead of $_interface is the value of it, which is 41.
The output of the puts command is currect.
The same definition works from a tcl script, but I can't use it more then once.
I would realy appreciate some help.