03-30-2018 07:23 AM - edited 02-21-2020 07:35 AM
I m following the above link for anyconnect client vpn double authentication, but the documents is not clear to me so how the double authentication occurs I have mentioned in below steps please correct me if I'm not wrong.
Each user has to generate a signing request from his windows PC ,, the CSR has to signed by the CA and CA Root certificate has to be available as a trustpoint in the ASA to authenticate, but I don’t find any configuration of trustpoint mapping configuration for the tunnel-group which I created becz I don’t want default certificate authentication for all tunnel groups. Also I have one more question here , the user certificate that was signed by CA can be used with multiple users ??? I hope it should not but how each user will be unique from others if they are authenticating by the certificate as an double authentication.
03-30-2018 10:07 AM
This webpage has an example to configure trustpoint on ASA and enable certificate authentication configuration on separate tunnel-group, not default.
Each user should be issued with their own unique certificate. I assume you are using Windows, therefore the certificate should be installed in the Users Certificate store, this means only that user who is logged on can use that certificate for authentication.
If you are using Active Directory, a Windows Group Policy can be configured to enroll each user with a certificate to use for authentication.
03-30-2018 12:08 PM
Dear RJI
thanks for the reply,
Attached are the logs,
I have already enabled on the tunnel-group certificate authentication but how this tunnel-group will authenticate to the trustpoint, if I am not wrong by this command ssl trust-point LAB_PKI OUTSIDE, this command is already enabled on my ASA for the ssl vpn, and the trustpoint is signed by the global sign with common name as a CN=<outside interface public ip>
I created a signing request from the windows PC and I get it signed by the global sign CA,
when I initiate a request from the client the certificate authentication fails and says no trustpoint found, actually it authenticates on basis of what for the user ??? by the basis of username or on basis of what ??
03-30-2018 12:29 PM
03-30-2018 12:53 PM
03-30-2018 01:08 PM
Are you using the Trustpoint GS_Intermediate ASDM_TrustPoint0?
Or Trustpoint SSL_VPN? - this trustpoint is not authenticated, but the issuer is Globalsign also.
The certificate with hostname = FW.xyz.gov.om is associated to Trustpoint: self, which is obviously incorrect.
I assume your intention is to issue certificates to the ASA and users from the Globalsign CA?
03-30-2018 01:14 PM
Dear RJI
The SSL_VPN trust point, recently I get it signed by global sign becz when users are accessing the https://public ip of the outside interface for the VPN they use to get the certificate error so I get it signed by the CA and the CN=X.X.X.X <public IP>
Now my goal is to authenticate anyconnect client users by certificate and local authentication, so how I can do that.
how I shld get the ssl_vpn trustpoint authenticated ???
group-policy CERT internal
group-policy CERT attributes
dns-server value
vpn-simultaneous-logins 3
vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-client
split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
split-tunnel-network-list value slit-tunnel
default-domain value xyz.local
split-dns value xyz.gov.om
address-pools value easypool
anyconnect modules value posture
anyconnect ask none default anyconnect
tunnel-group CERT type remote-access
tunnel-group CERT general-attributes
address-pool easypool
default-group-policy CERT
tunnel-group CERT webvpn-attributes
authentication certificate
group-alias CERT enable
ssl trust-point SSL_VPN outside
03-30-2018 01:20 PM
03-30-2018 01:24 PM
I have the root CA of the global sign,i have just added their intermediate but not their root so this is the reason it is showing me as a not authenticated ??
I will enter the root certificate now
03-30-2018 01:58 PM - edited 03-30-2018 02:10 PM
It is failing to add by the below error
INFO: Certificate has the following attributes:
Fingerprint: c5efg849 ca043355 e32dba1a c44eb028
Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: yes
% Error in saving certificate: status = FAIL
what I have to do ?? , the other Global sign intermediate is doing nothing in the configuration I guess please correct me if I m not wrong,
I want to know for each user I have generate csr and get it signed by the CA ?? for example lets assume after ca signed the csr for the user A and he will install in the trusted root certificate personal folder, the same certificate cant be used for another user, how unique this user will be identified by the ASA in the certificate OR the CSR which is generated from the PC makes the authentication successful regardless who the user it is ??
Please elaborate
03-30-2018 02:16 PM
03-30-2018 02:39 PM
please find the file attached for the trustpoint, actual I made a mistake in installing the file I used different trustpoint names
Cannot provide the debug itself I am out of the office,
crypto ca authenticate SSL_VPN
< and I am pasting the entire root certificate of the GS>
quitsend an output of the commands you run and the debug information ??? which command ??
03-30-2018 03:34 PM
I managed to install the root certificate and now it is in the authenticated status, we send the debugs tomorrow for certificate authentication failure.
03-31-2018 04:03 AM
03-31-2018 08:54 AM
Dear RJI
just want to tell you that the actual root certificate was giving me an error so I authenticated with an Intermediate certificate provided by the CA and it worked,
before authentication of the intermediate certificate I already did the enrollment of the CSR , i don't have access to the FW to checks the debugs y still the certificate ssl vpn users are still failing.
Also it will be appreciable if u can answer my question asked in above thread, to have a clear visibility.
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