1)The error message "Teardown TCP connection" states that A TCP connection between two hosts was deleted.
refer the following url for more information on the error message"Teardown TCP connection":
2)Error Message %ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from IP_address/port to IP_address/port flags tcp_flags on interface interface_name.
Explanation: The security appliance discarded a TCP packet that has no associated connection in the security appliance connection table. The security appliance looks for a SYN flag in the packet, which indicates a request to establish a new connection. If the SYN flag is not set, and there is not an existing connection, the security appliance discards the packet.
Recommended Action: None required unless the security appliance receives a large volume of these invalid TCP packets. If this is the case, trace the packets to the source and determine the reason these packets were sent.