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ASA 5520 CPU usage high


Our peri firewall cpu usgae is very high. please find the output log and help.

PeriFW-01# sh processes cpu-usage sorted

PC         Thread       5Sec     1Min     5Min   Process

081aa5f9   c8daf870    96.0%    95.5%    95.6%   Dispatch Unit

08b3709e   c8da0c30     2.5%     2.6%     2.5%   SNMP Notify Thread

08191128   c8da5508     0.5%     0.5%     0.5%   tmatch compile thread

0927f1ea   c8daa9b0     0.2%     0.1%     0.1%   Checkheaps

08b13d95   c8da9210     0.2%     0.2%     0.2%   Logger

08b9ac8c   c8d966d0     0.1%     0.1%     0.1%   ssh

083c1452   c8da21d8     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   fover_health_monitoring_thread

083db19b   c8da29b8     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   fover_ip

08054f3c   c8dafc60     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   block_diag

083ae5b5   c8daf480     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   CF OIR

08a1f8b0   c8daf288     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   lina_int

08068755   c8daeca0     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   Reload Control Thread

080705a6   c8daeaa8     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   aaa

08b5a75b   c8dae6b8     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   Boot Message Proxy Process

080a0f36   c8dae4c0     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   CMGR Server Process

080a1445   c8dae2c8     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   CMGR Timer Process

081a974c   c8dad8f0     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   dbgtrace

0843b0fc   c8dad110     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   557mcfix

0843af1e   c8dacf18     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   557statspoll

08c2bb4d   c8dabd60     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   netfs_thread_init

09250e05   c8dab388     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   Chunk Manager

088b480e   c8dab190     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   PIX Garbage Collector

088a7cb4   c8daaf98     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   IP Address Assign

08a6e896   c8daada0     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   QoS Support Module

0892250f   c8daaba8     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   Client Update Task

08a72385   c8daa3c8     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   Quack process

PeriFW-01# sh ver

Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 8.2(1)

Device Manager Version 6.2(1)

Compiled on Tue 05-May-09 22:45 by builders

System image file is "disk0:/asa821-k8.bin"

Config file at boot was "startup-config"

PeriFW-01 up 2 days 17 hours

failover cluster up 2 days 17 hours

Hardware:   ASA5520, 512 MB RAM, CPU Pentium 4 Celeron 2000 MHz

Internal ATA Compact Flash, 256MB

BIOS Flash M50FW080 @ 0xffe00000, 1024KB

Encryption hardware device : Cisco ASA-55x0 on-board accelerator (revision 0x0)

                             Boot microcode   : CN1000-MC-BOOT-2.00

                             SSL/IKE microcode: CNLite-MC-SSLm-PLUS-2.03

                             IPSec microcode  : CNlite-MC-IPSECm-MAIN-2.04

0: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/0  : address is 0025.84fc.e984, irq 9

1: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/1  : address is 0025.84fc.e985, irq 9

2: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/2  : address is 0025.84fc.e986, irq 9

3: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/3  : address is 0025.84fc.e987, irq 9

4: Ext: Management0/0       : address is 0025.84fc.e988, irq 11

5: Int: Internal-Data0/0    : address is 0000.0001.0002, irq 11

6: Int: Internal-Control0/0 : address is 0000.0001.0001, irq 5

Licensed features for this platform:

Maximum Physical Interfaces  : Unlimited

Maximum VLANs                : 150

Inside Hosts                 : Unlimited

Failover                     : Active/Active

VPN-DES                      : Enabled

VPN-3DES-AES                 : Enabled

Security Contexts            : 2

GTP/GPRS                     : Disabled

SSL VPN Peers                : 2

Total VPN Peers              : 750

Shared License               : Disabled

AnyConnect for Mobile        : Disabled

AnyConnect for Linksys phone : Disabled

AnyConnect Essentials        : Disabled

Advanced Endpoint Assessment : Disabled

UC Phone Proxy Sessions      : 2

Total UC Proxy Sessions      : 2

Botnet Traffic Filter        : Disabled

This platform has an ASA 5520 VPN Plus license.

1 Reply 1

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Md,

As per the logs dispatch unit is utilizing the max CPU, this process is related to traffic on ASA,

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