We are testing an Aerohive access point. It needs to communicate to it's cloud controller. We have allowed UDP port 12222 through on our firewall but the access point still cannot communicate to it's controller. In the logs I see the following event.
Source Ip address - (AP Ip address) Source Port (random port #) Destination IP Destination Port 12222
UDP request Discarded from {Source Ip/Source Port} to guest
ASA-7-710005: {TCP|UDP} request discarded from
source_address/source_port to interface_name:dest_address/service
The ASA does not have a UDP server that services the UDP request. Also, a TCP packet that does not belong to any session on the ASA may have been discarded. In addition, this message appears (with the SNMP service) when the ASA receives an SNMP request with an empty payload, even if it is from an authorized host. When the service is SNMP, this message occurs a maximum of once every 10 seconds so that the log receiver is not overwhelmed.
Any help is greatly appreciated.