it's been a while since i configured a new ASA with security contexts running.
just a clarification on the 20-security context license i applied.
is it good practice to use the max security license count under the VPN class using the command: limit-resource VPN Other 20?
do i also configure each context to be a member of VPN class so they can configure S2S IPsec VPN in their own context or will it be a good idea or good practice just to create a dedicated context for customer VPNs?
i also see others configure a number or percent for IKEv1 in-negotiation. what is this for and what's a good value to input?
/pri/act(config-class)# limit-resource VPN ikev1 in-negotiation ?
class mode commands/options:
WORD Value of resource limit (in <value> or <value>%)
class VPN
limit-resource VPN Other 20
context <CONTEXT-A>
member VPN
allocate-interface GigabitEthernet0/0
allocate-interface GigabitEthernet0/1.x
context <CONTEXT-B>
member VPN
allocate-interface GigabitEthernet0/0
allocate-interface GigabitEthernet0/1.x