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ASA CX partition not working

Hello experts,


I am trying to configure an ASA CX module installed on an ASA5515.

I am able to console into the module, use the setup command and I am able to ping the FTP server.

As soon as I try to use the command "partition" I get the following:



/etc/xsa.env: line 282: ((: >= 110 &&  <= 135 : syntax error: operand expected (error token is ">= 110 &&  <= 135 ")

/etc/xsa.env: line 282: ((: >= 50 &&  <= 70 : syntax error: operand expected (error token is ">= 50 &&  <= 70 ")

##########    ERROR    ##########

Unsupported Disk Size  GB

##########    ERROR    ##########

/etc/xsa.env: line 292: / 10 * 9 - 32: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/ 10 * 9 - 32")

  WARNING: You are about to erase all policy configurations and data.

  You cannot undo this action.

Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/n]:n


If I continue it never creates the partition and I am not able to install the system image. 

If I try to format the disk I get the same problem.


Is this a hardware issue or something else? Any suggestions on how to proceed?

4 Replies 4

Rishabh Seth
Level 7
Level 7

Hi Paul,

Can you check and provide details of ssdinstalled on ASA.

Command to check :

Show inventory





This is the show inventory of the ASA with the module that has problems:

FW-N1# show inventory 

Name: "Chassis", DESCR: "ASA 5515-X with SW, 6 GE Data, 1 GE Mgmt, AC"

PID: ASA5515           , VID: V02     , SN: FTX174910HP


Name: "module 1", DESCR: "ASA 5512-X/5515-X Interface Card 6-port 10/100/1000, RJ-45"

PID: ASA-IC-6GE-CU-A   , VID: N/A     , SN: N/A


Name: "Storage Device 1", DESCR: "Model Number: "

PID: N/A               , VID: N/A     , SN: 


This is the show inventory of the other ASA we have for failover:

FW-N1#    show inventory 

Name: "Chassis", DESCR: "ASA 5515-X with SW, 6 GE Data, 1 GE Mgmt, AC"

PID: ASA5515           , VID: V02     , SN: FTX174910HR


Name: "module 1", DESCR: "ASA 5512-X/5515-X Interface Card 6-port 10/100/1000, RJ-45"

PID: ASA-IC-6GE-CU-A   , VID: N/A     , SN: N/A


Name: "Storage Device 1", DESCR: "Unigen 128 GB SSD MLC, Model Number: UGB88RRA128HM3-EMY-DID"

PID: N/A               , VID: N/A     , SN: 11000110834


I don't see the same information on the one showing problems.

Is the module damaged?

Hi Paul,

The CX module runs as a software service along with ASA software.

To run CX module on 5500x series device you require an SSD.

From show inventory output you can see that there is no SSD information.

You can check if you have SSD installed on the box. If it is installed then you can check if it is supported on your ASA or not.


Do share your findings.







Also note that even a supported SSD cannot be plugged in "hot". You need to power off the ASA and insert the SSD.

The ASA should then recognize it during power-on self test and make it available for use.

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