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Avaya VPN Phone Won't Connect to Call Server

Level 1
Level 1

We have dozens of Avaya VPN phones used throughout the country in home offices. They are configured to connect to the VPN tunnel on our ASA 5510. Once connected to the VPN they will then connect to our Avaya phone server.

We have one user that can connect to the VPN but not the call server. The phone just displays "discover call server x.x.x.x" where x.x.x.x is the IP of our call server. I've confirmed this user is connected to the firewall by displaying "show vpn-session remote" and the logs from ASDM. It seems like traffic won't traverse the tunnel once it's up, which is why it can't connec to the call server. I am not entirely sure if the problem is with our VPN tunnel or not. I am incredibly rusty troubleshooting VPN tunnels on an ASA. Any thoughts on what I can check to rule out the ASA?

I've attached a file with the ASDM logs.

2 Replies 2

Hi David,

you may test with packet tracer



Thanks for the response. I've tried that but I am not quite sure it works like it should because traffic is traversing a VPN tunnel. I don't have rules that allow traffic from the Outside, which is where the traffic would be coming but over the IPSec VPN. I only have remote access VPN setup so it requires authentication and ecryption to connect, which I am not packet tracer is doing during it's simulation. Any thoughts on how to acheive this with packet tracer or verify if the traffic is getting dropped another way?


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