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Denis Orlov
Level 1
Level 1

Hi, everybody.

I'm trying to perform sync of ACL configuration from one ASA to another.

Both devices have the same version of OS and REST-API

On source ASA I have this ACL:

rest_api_1.pngFirst two rules I remove from screenshot since they are not relevant to my question

Using REST API, I get ACEs from ACL and trying to create them on target device.

To do that i'm using python.

And when I trying to POST (using REST API) third rule (see screenshot above) on target device

url = ''
rule_json = {'kind':'object#ExtendedACE','ruleLogging':{'logStatus':'Default','logInterval':300},'isAccessRule':False,'destinationAddress': {'kind':'IPv4Address','value':''},'remarks':[],'destinationService':{'kind':'TcpUdpService','value':'tcp-udp/domain'},'permit': True,'active': True,'position': 3,'sourceAddress': {'kind':'objectRef#NetworkObj','objectId':'net-'}}, data=json.dumps(rule_json), headers=self.HEADERS, auth=self.cred, verify=self.verify_cert, timeout=self.timeout)

I getting this error

{'code': '', 
'details': "\naccess-list Anyconnect line 3 extended permit tcp-udp object net- host eq domain \n\nERROR: % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.\n", 
'level': u'Error'}

 So, as I understand - when ASA receive REST API POST REQUEST: behind the scenes executed CLI command, but in this case there is error because you can not use "tcp-udp" protocol in ACE statement.

So, my question is: is this bug or feature?

1 Reply 1

Denis Orlov
Level 1
Level 1


1) When I get ACE using REST API (via Python) JSON-structure of ACE looks like following way:

'sourceService': {'kind': 'NetworkProtocol', 'value': 'tcp-udp'},
'kind': 'object#ExtendedACE',
'objectId': '2143418028',
'ruleLogging': {'logStatus': 'Default', 'logInterval': 300},
'isAccessRule': False,
'destinationAddress': {u'kind': u'IPv4Address', u'value': u''},
'remarks': [],
'destinationService': {u'kind': u'TcpUdpService', u'value': u'tcp-udp/domain'},
'permit': True,
'active': True,
'position': 3,
'sourceAddress': {u'kind': u'objectRef#NetworkObj', u'objectId': u'net-'},
'selfLink': u''

2) After some manipulations I prepare following JSON-structure for POSTing to another device:

'sourceService': {'kind': 'NetworkProtocol', 'value': 'tcp-udp'},
'destinationAddress': {'kind': 'IPv4Address', 'value': ''}, 'destinationService': {'kind': 'TcpUdpService', 'value': 'tcp-udp/domain'},
'ruleLogging': {'logStatus': 'Default', 'logInterval': 100}, 'permit': True, 'remarks': [], 'position': 3, 'sourceAddress': {'kind': 'objectRef#NetworkObj', 'objectId': 'net-'}, 'active': True }

 3) After posting JSON-structure to destination device, I'm getting following error:


'code': '',

'details': "\naccess-list Anyconnect line 1 extended permit tcp-udp object net-                                                  ^host eq domain \n\nERROR: % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.\n",

'level': 'Error'


4) After some research I also understand following.

If I use this JSON-structure to create ACE in ACL

              "sourceAddress": {
              "destinationAddress": {
              "destinationService": {
             "ruleLogging": {
                "logStatus": "Default",
                "logInterval": 100
              "remarks": [],
              "permit": True,
              "active": True,
              "position": 3,

POST request using Python is successfull and in sh running-config there is following ACE

access-list Anyconnect extended permit tcp object net- host eq domain

If I use this JSON-structure to crete ACE in ACL

              "sourceAddress": {
              "destinationAddress": {
              "destinationService": {
             "ruleLogging": {
                "logStatus": "Default",
                "logInterval": 100
              "remarks": [],
              "permit": True,
              "active": True,
              "position": 3,

POST request using Python is successfull too and in sh running-config there is following ACE

access-list Anyconnect extended permit udp object net- host eq domain

But if I trying to POST following JSON-structure

              "sourceAddress": {
              "destinationAddress": {
              "destinationService": {
             "ruleLogging": {
                "logStatus": "Default",
                "logInterval": 100
              "remarks": [],
              "permit": True,
              "active": True,
              "position": 3,

I'm getting error as I wrote earlier.

Based on error detail message, that I receive when performing POST request:

access-list Anyconnect line 1 extended permit tcp-udp object net- host eq domain \n\nERROR: % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.\n

I can say, that internal REST API logic erroneously trying to use "tcp-udp" as protocol number while creating ACE. And such behavior lead to error.

But I expect that in confuguration I will get this ACE

access-list Abyconnect extended permit object-group TCPUDP object net- host eq domain 

Actually object-group TCPUDP normally created automatically when you create ACE with tcp/udp destination service in ASDM.

Based on this information I making conclusion that something is wrong in Cisco ASA REST API.

May be there is some trick in adding ACE with tcp-udp destination service, but there is no corresponding information in official documantation

Please, can somebody clarify this problem?

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