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Cisco CLI Analyzer 2.0 Released -- In addition to ASA we now support IOS and NX-OS!

John Bollier
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

What it is: The Cisco CLI Analyzer (formerly ASA CLI Analyzer) is a smart SSH client with internal TAC tools and knowledge integrated. It is designed to help troubleshoot and check the overall health of your Cisco supported software. In addition to ASA. We now support IOS, IOS-XE, IOS-XR and NX-OS!

The release of Cisco CLI Analyzer 2.0 provides customers a significant upgrade in terms of knowledge, errors and troubleshooting capabilities from Output Interpreter. We highly encourage customers migrate over as the analysis and insights far exceed those of OI.


 Download link (Mac/PC):


Cisco CLI Analyzer features include:

  • (NEW) System Diagnostics for IOS, IOS-XE and IOS-XR

-- Utilizes Cisco TAC knowledge to analyze the current state of your device and detect some known issues such as system problems, configuration mistakes, and best practice violations.

  • (NEW) Contextual Help & Highlighting for ASA, IOS, IOS-XE, IOS-XR and NX-OS

-- (CHH) provides an immersive CLI experience by providing helpful information based on command output. Classifications vary from informational, warning and danger. A click of the mouse provides an explanation of the CHH and detailed documentation links go to to provide a deep dive into the content.

  • ASA Traceback Analyzer 

-- Attempts to match the root cause of a crash to a known bug if the ASA has experienced a system traceback. If a matching bug is found, the ASA version(s) in which the bug is fixed are provided.

  • ASA Top Talkers Tool

-- Calculates which connections are passing the most traffic through your ASA at a point in time.

  • ASA Packet Tracer 

-- Allows administrators to simulate sending packets through the ASA. If the packet is dropped, the ASA configuration setting or feature that could have contributed to the packet drop is identified.


Contextual Help & Highlighting in action.





Use the TAC powered tools to diagnose and troubleshoot your network:



Get alerts to known problems, errors and best practice violations based on your devices configuration and operational state:


22 Replies 22

Leo Laohoo
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Kindly expand the Traceback Analyzer feature to IOS & IOS-XE.

Hi Leo,

      The Traceback Analyzer is specific for the ASA at this time.

ASA Traceback Analyzer

This tool attempts to match the root cause of a crash to a known bug if the ASA has experienced a system traceback. If a match is found, the ASA version or versions in which the bug is fixed are provided. We only show a bug if there is 100% confidence match.

BTW. We are evaluating its IOS equivalent.

How do you know what tools apply to your device? 

    • When you login to a device using the Cisco CLI Analyzer you will only see the tools that are relevant to your Cisco software (ASA, IOS, IOS-XE, IOS-XR and NX-OS). 

Documentation link is here and can also be accessed via the "?" in the upper right corner of the application.



this is awesome...

Stuart Patton
Level 1
Level 1

Hi John,

Out of interest, if customers run the ASA traceback analyzer, do Cisco proactively investigate the crash data when the reason is unknown?  Or does this only happen if the customer raises a TAC case is raised?




      Cisco TAC, at this times, does not do further investigation to close the loop on those files that come through the ASA Traceback Analyzer tool in the Cisco CLI Analyzer yielding no bug match. Internally, the tool checks our crash analytics system to see if there is a 100% match to a known bug. Unfortunately, ASA crashes may frequently be caused by a certain bug, the but the crash signature is slightly different (not an absolute perfect match) than what that bug's crash signature may be, and in those cases further (usually manual) analysis needs to be done by TAC.

I would suggest that if you do encounter an ASA crash, and the tool is unable to pinpoint the specific bug that caused that crash, open a TAC case to have an engineer further analyse the crash output and determine the appropriate course of action.

Where is the traceback analyzer? I put a crash file into it for interpretation, says to use the traceback analyzer and I don't see it ?


Where is the traceback analyzer? I put a crash file into it for interpretation, says to use the traceback analyzer and I don't see it ?


John Bollier
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

For those of you on the Windows version of Cisco CLI Analyzer.

We recently released version 2.0.2 that corrects an issue causing a delayed launch. It should launch in under 3 seconds now. You should be be prompted to upgrade upon next launch of the app. If not, direct download is here: 

John Bollier
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

In our 2.1 release of Cisco CLI Analyzer we will add the ability to analyze files vs having to login to a device and capture the output. We are also enhancing the results display to open in a separate window from the console session. We anticipate releasing mid May.

Here is a sneak peek.

Jim Long
Level 1
Level 1

Important tip: If you use multiple E-mail addresses, be double-sure you get the right one which you used to sign in here, especially if you use one (esp. a dummy) as your "Username" and another as your "E-mail address"!  (Don't ask....)

I sincerely appreciate the chance to try this wonderful CLI Analyzer tool Cisco has provided.  I cannot wait to see what you all come up with next!
Thank you,

this link works. click on download (green button) and it will take you to the download area... you have a cco account correct? if you have not logged in it will request that you do so.

accept the agreement and save the appropriate file for your platform.

Hi Jim,

       Per our call we were able to get this resolved. If you have any other questions feel free to reach out via the feedback button within CLI Analyzer.



David Sandoval
Level 1
Level 1

How about some Linux support? Cisco uses alot of open source code in their projects, but the end user is unable to use it if they choose Linux as their operating system, I don't understand this at all.

Hi David,

       We are considering Linux. Ultimately it comes down to the effort/cost to create/support an additional OS and as well as how many customers will adopt it (value). For example: Mac OS, as popular as it is accounts for very a small portion of the CLI Analyzer user base compared to Windows users. 



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