Hello all,
I am not sure as to what exactly went wrong on my first attempts, but it seems that after issuing the following commands, my end dvices were able to obtain an IP.
The truth is that I did some housekeeping on the ACLs and ZFW policies of the router, so maybe this helped.
None the less, if anyone has any insights they'd like to share, please go ahead.
class-map type inspect match-all dhcp
match protocol udp
policy-map type inspect test-to-self
class type inspect dhcp
class class-default
drop log
policy-map type inspect self-to-test
class type inspect dhcp
class class-default
drop log
zone-pair security test-to-self source TEST_ZONE destination self
service-policy type inspect test-to-self
zone-pair security self-to-test source self destination TEST_ZONE
service-policy type inspect self-to-test