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Firepower 9300 license issues

xiaodong liao
Level 1
Level 1

hello everyone,

as far as I know, the cisco Firepower 9300 series security appliances only support the smart software licensing , and I'm wondering that what will happen if do not have my Firepower registered

3 Replies 3

Marvin Rhoads
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Without a license you will not be able to deploy or enforce policies (Access Control, Intrusion Protection, URL or Malware).

Hello Marvin,

As per the document there is Firepower Supervisor management console for managing firepower 9300.Can we manage this using FMC as well?

Also document says it needs to communication to license center at least every 90 days. Is there an option to do offline licensing?

Saw an option to do it via smart license manager satellite which needs OVA file  to be installed on vmware esxi server. From this server do we need internet access to license center?Also seen an option for permanent license for FXOS chassis.Anyone can explain that as well?

We have Firepower 9300 with single security module installed. Will this have all functionality like AMP,url filtering,AVC if we have the license.Do we need seprate security module for each.

Also need to know if Can we do a manual update for IPS,security intelligence ,AVC etc?

FirePOWER Chassis Manager is the locally hosted interface for basic device setup. It is wholly distinct from FirePOWER Management Center (FMC). FMC cannot manage FCM - only the policies on and events from the security modules. 

If you elect to use the Smart Software Manager Satellite, you have the option of keeping it wholly disconnected from the Internet and instead doing periodic file uploads to validate the license(s). 

All of the FirePOWER features (AVC, IPS, URL Filtering and AMP) can run on a single security module (given the appropriate respective licensing of course). 

You can manually download Rules, Snort Engine, GeoDB and Vulnerability DB via the support site:

Keeping current while doing that manually would be very labor intensive though as some are updated multiple times per week. 

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