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High Memory Utilization of ASA 5510 after upgrade to OS 8.0


I have upgraded my firewall OS from asa707-k8.bin to asa804-39-k8.bin after which the memory utilization has suddenly shoot to 90-95%.

Have tried many options available to identify the cause such as disabling threat detection,shortening the access-list however end up with with no resolution.

Current the DRAM is 256 MB

sh version and sh mem output are attch alongwith.

Kindly let me know is there any bug related to OS.

4 Replies 4

Jitendriya Athavale
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

this depend on lot of factors,

firstly wht was the mem utilization in 7.0 code

any particular reason why you went to

how many xlates and conn entries do you have in fw,

if nothing has changed and ur mem was very low like 60 to 70 % free in 7.0 code, i would suggest open a tac and investigate

Answering your concern

the mem utilization with 7.0 code was 45 to 50 %

Upgraded to 8.0 for getting eth 0/0 and eth 0/1 transformed to Gig

NINMUM03-DGTL-FIREWALL-00001# sh xlate count
14 in use, 14 most used

Yeah in process of raising a TAC with Cisco.

NINMUM03-DGTL-FIREWALL-00001# sh processes mem


Allocs   Allocated       Frees         Freed           Process

          (bytes)                      (bytes)


906      4080690         13            2860            *System Main*

1        2097188         0             0               PIX Garbage Collector

0        0               0             0               RADIUS Proxy Time Keeper

1578     521656          2786          927980          tmatch compile thread

0        0               0             0               L2TP data daemon

0        0               0             0               emweb/cifs_timer

0        0               0             0               DHCPD Timer

0        0               0             0               tcp_thread

0        0               0             0               Uauth_Proxy

135      66515           64            16236           fover_FSM_thread

0        0               0             0               IP Address Assign

3        4272            0             0               fover_rx

7        14144           0             0               Integrity FW Task

0        0               0             0               Crypto PKI RECV

0        0               0             0               netfs_vnode_reclaim

0        0               0             0               CMGR Server Process

0        0               0             0               L2TP mgmt daemon

97782140 24206173102     97769122      24127070566     Dispatch Unit

3        8356            0             0               netfs_mount_handler

51       816             106           2544            npshim_thread

243      10764           2             280             lu_rx

0        0               0             0               QoS Support Module

2        64              2             64              fover_tx

28       17971           3             1527            ci/console

0        0               0             0               557mcfix

0        0               0             0               Crypto CA

0        0               0             0               CMGR Timer Process

0        0               0             0               ppp_timer_thread

2        152             0             0               CF OIR

2        24              1             60              arp_timer

1        24              0             0               EAPoUDP-sock

0        0               0             0               lu_dynamic_sync

0        0               0             0               Client Update Task

14       7264            0             0               fover_ip

29       842435          0             0               netfs_thread_init

82       219608          17            10277           fover_thread

0        0               0             0               557statspoll

0        0               0             0               uauth_urlb clean

0        0               0             0               vpnlb_timer_thread

0        0               0             0               lina_int

0        0               0             0               arp_forward_thread

521      162597          728           148633          vpnfol_thread_msg

0        0               0             0               EAPoUDP

0        0               0             0               SSL

1506     71072           1605          55916           SNMP Notify Thread

0        0               0             0               Checkheaps

0        0               0             0               fover_rep

7        40751           0             0               lu_ctl

0        0               0             0               pm_timer_thread

0        0               70            2002            ssh/timer

2        321068          0             0               IPsec message handler

0        0               0             0               Lic TMR

1073415  54999740        1073415       54999740        vpnfol_thread_timer

3        105             109           1744            tacplus_get

0        0               0             0               SMTP

273      6823906         122           4325634         rtcli async executor process

4810     3521516         2905          2634342         fover_parse

32571    1514632         32547         1498996         ssh

1        40              0             0               update_cpu_usage

0        0               0             0               IKE Timekeeper

14721    638576          14372         621920          CTM message handler

0        0               0             0               tcp_fast

0        0               0             0               vpnfol_thread_sync

3        8356            0             0               vpnlb_thread

380      86288           266           34692           tacplus_snd

0        0               3             8356            Logger

0        0               0             0               IP Thread

0        0               0             0               fover_ifc_test

0        0               0             0               vPif_stats_cleaner

0        0               0             0               IKE Daemon

0        0               0             0               listen/telnet

0        0               0             0               NAT security-level reconfiguration

3        4272            0             0               NTP

0        0               0             0               tcp_slow

0        0               0             0               vpnfol_thread_unsent

665526   29394987        661657        22130614        snmp

0        0               0             0                Syslog Retry Thread

29       21396           1             32              ARP Thread

4        744             0             0               Quack process

9        668             1             32              fover_health_monitoring_thread

11       4876            15            67663           NIC status poll

0        0               0             0               RADIUS Proxy Event Daemon

150      417800          50            800             listen/ssh

0        0               0             0               dbgtrace

0        0               0             0               ICMP event handler

0        0               0             0               Reload Control Thread

0        0               0             0               udp_timer

0        0               0             0               Integrity Fw Timer Thread

0        0               0             0               Thread Logger

3        3840            0             0               icmp_thread

0        0               0             0               Session Manager

0        0               0             0               ha_trans_ctl_tx

0        0               0             0               Chunk Manager

4        4160            0             0               RADIUS Proxy Listener

0        0               0             0               IP Background

55       1540            57            1617            aaa

0        0               0             0               CTCP Timer process

0        0               0             0               block_diag

0        0               0             0               TLS Proxy Inspector

0        0               0             0               udp_thread

3        15119           0             0               uauth

2        236             1             32              ha_trans_data_tx

Sherl Echols
Level 1
Level 1

Padmabhushan Sawant,  I I have looked into this issue because I am having some issues with my VPN and a Smart Net tech told me that the new OS has some fixes in it that may fix my problem.  However i was only running 256 on my ASA5510 and the smart Net tech said that I needed 1 gig min to run the new OS.   You may want to look into that some more...

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