Hi Community!
I have a 5505 firewall deployed in a home office with two 7941 telephones behind it. The phones pull PoE from the ASA. The firewall was deployed a couple weeks ago, and everything worked great for about 2 days. (This configuration has been working for a couple years, but I just upgraded the 5505 to a new one with more RAM so I could run 8.3 and higher.) Then the phones lost power from the ASA and they now "blink" about every 3 seconds. They go on, off, wait three seconds, then go on, off, wait three seconds, etc.
I was not able to solve the problem by shutting and no shutting the ports, and there is little-to-nothing that you can do from the CLI to configure the PoE. I changed software versions for troubleshooting, but the problem persists. A reboot fixes the problem for a couple days. Then, the problem reoccurs.
A "show power inline" yields the following when everything is working.
Home5505# sho power inline
Interface Power Device
--------- ----- ------
Et0/0 n/a n/a
Et0/1 n/a n/a
Et0/2 n/a n/a
Et0/3 n/a n/a
Et0/4 n/a n/a
Et0/5 n/a n/a
Et0/6 On IEEE
Et0/7 On IEEE
A "show power inline" yields the following when the phones are blinking.
Home5505# sho power inline
Interface Power Device
--------- ----- ------
Et0/0 n/a n/a
Et0/1 n/a n/a
Et0/2 n/a n/a
Et0/3 n/a n/a
Et0/4 n/a n/a
Et0/5 n/a n/a
Et0/6 Off Cisco
Et0/7 Off Cisco
This sounds like hardware to me, but I wanted to see if anyone has any bright ideas before I try to RMA it. The device is running 8.4.6.