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Rapid7 connector problems and the latest LWP.

Moses Hernandez
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

I have a question about an issue with LWP and the Rapid7 Connector.

Here is a snippet of whats going on:

Script Output:
<omitted>:[/opt/rapid7/nexpose/sourcefire_connector]# ./  -csvfile=output.txt -plugininfo=InputPlugins/Nexpose.yaml
Wed Nov 19 14:43:08 2014 [INFO] NeXpose Report Processing Starting
Wed Nov 19 14:43:08 2014 [INFO] Site ID: <omitted>
Wed Nov 19 14:43:08 2014 [ERROR] Login response: Can't connect to <omitted>:3780 (certificate verify failed)

LWP::Protocol::https::Socket: SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/LWP/Protocol/ line 49.
Error : Login failed!
#Uname –a
Linux <omitted> 2.6.18-371.11.1.el5 #1 SMP Mon Jun 30 04:51:39 EDT 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
#cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.10 (Tikanga)


What we have attempted to do is set a Bash Environment variable like so:


I've also done things like try and set it inside the perl scripts:


I've been doing this based on this type of research:


Looks like as of LWP 5.8 or so the Verification of Hostname went from 'not required', 'disabled', or '0', to '1' or enforced.

I wasn't sure if others have seen this also?

3 Replies 3

I'm seeing basically the exact same issue. Only difference is the build of linux,  2.6.18-274.17.1.el5 #1. You didn't happen to get a solution, did you?


Steven Chimes
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

From what I can tell, something changed in how LWP validates certificates, at least on Linux (the issue doesn't seem to affect Windows). The fix I used was to add the root CA certificate for the Nexpose console to the trusted root certificate store.

For a Ubuntu/Debian based system:

1. Export the root certificate used for the Nexpose console. If you haven't done this before, here is a screenshot to point you in the right direction:

2. Copy the root certificate to the ca-certificates folder on the system hosting the connector:
sudo cp nexposeconsoleroot.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/

3. Update the CA store:
sudo update-ca-certificates

4. The connector should now work.

If you want to remove the added root certificate:
sudo rm /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/nexposeconsoleroot.crt
sudo update-ca-certificates --fresh

For non-Debian based systems, commands to add root certificates on other platforms can be found here:

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