I have a bit of a strange one. I have 2 RSV4000 used as gateway VPNs. On one of them I enabled single port forwarding 3500-->3389 on an internal ip. On the external I have a FQDN updated by dyndns. I allow remote firewall administration port 8080. Here is the issue, I dont need to append the port number to the FQDN to get RDP access. As far as I understood it should be entered on the client software as such <FQDN>:3500. The router in turn would forward to 3389 on the terminal server with the internal ip. As it sits all I have to do is enter the the FQDN in the RDP client software and the password prompt pops up. The NMAP scan from and external address shows port 8080 open as well as 3389. I will disable the port fwd, but it seems like a bug to me.
External =ADSL
Internal= Class C 192.168.X.X
Firmware=Newest availabe
IPS=Enabled and updated
Any help would be appreciated....