I have an FWSM 4.0(7).
I'm creating firewall policies within Cisco Security Manager.
I created a simple policy that from a couple of hosts ( & 9) to communicate to some other hosts that live on a different vlan( &32) and made a reciprocal policy for the other direction. The point of these policies is to allow port tcp/50636 in both directions.
I put this rule at the top of the ruleset to make sure there are no other rules above it that would negate the rule above.
Yes, I also saved it and "Submitted and deployed" this to the appropriate FWSM
However, In the syslog, I see that port tcp/50636 is still being denied. See attached screenshot
I have also confirmed that this policy is in the config of the FWSM itself.
I have confimred that there is nothing on the host blocking (antivirus, windows firewall) this port
I have seen this type of scenario a couple times before in the past, where I create a policy, it doesn't work right away - then it mysteriously works one day.
I'm wondering if there is abug in this software version for this type of activity? Any comments on what I could try to get the policy working?