I am a beginner for ASA Firewall.
I have the same problem like below link.
- https://community.cisco.com/t5/network-security/asa-wildcard-fqdn-object-acl/td-p/3062312
So I have read some articles for this subject.
Then the conclusion is that
- cannot use wildcard at FQDN
- cannot use wildcard at URL Filter
- https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/security/firesight-management-center/118852-technote-firesight-00.html#anc14
In the end of the article I can read this
When you enter a URL, enter the domain name and omit subdomain information. For example, type cisco.com rather than www.cisco.com. When you use cisco.com in an Allow rule, users could browse to any of these URLs:
When I use that cisco.com(for example),I can browse cisco.com, cisco.com/newcisco, www.cisco.com,
Is this URL(for example) ftp.cisco.com, ntp.cisco.com, ios.update.cisco.com also could browse to all of these URLs?
Thanks in advance.