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Joe Clarke
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Getting To Know YDK

New to the concepts behind model-based management? Maybe you’ve heard of YANG, but you’re not sure how to navigate YANG modules to find what you’re looking for. Or maybe you’ve found the YANG path that will do what you want, but you’re not sure how to use it to achieve your desired results.

The one thing you do know is that you need to automate stuff. You need to scale the creation of new services from the application down to the network. You want to take the concepts you’ve been used to when it comes to network configuration, and get them plugged in to an automation framework that will give you quick and reliable control over your network operations.

Let’s say you have a campus network composed of Catalyst 3850 switches, and you want to programmatically create new VLANs on these switches using YANG-based NETCONF. You want to create a Python script that will push the VLAN changes to the required switches. Instead of building NETCONF remote procedure calls directly, you want to use the YANG Development Kit (YDK) to write object-oriented Python code to do this.

First, let’s make sure YANG-based NETCONF is enabled on the device. To do that, do the following:

Switch#config t

Once NETCONF is enabled, you can connect to port 830 via SSH to get a list of YANG modules supported by the device. This is done by doing the following:

$ ssh -p 830 user@switch -s netconf
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<hello xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">

You’ll note in the hello message from the device, one of the modules is the Cisco-IOS-XE-vlan module. This sounds promising to help us create a new VLAN, but how would we have found that if the module didn’t contain the word vlan? To search for available YANG modules using keywords, use the YANG Catalog Search. From there, you can filter the results based on vendor (say cisco), and then cross-reference the module results with the list of modules returned in the hello message shown above.

While we can download the modules directly from the device, all of Cisco’s YANG modules can be found in GitHub by cloning the repository:

$ git clone

Assuming your switches are running 16.5(1), you can find all of the supported YANG modules in the yang/vendor/cisco/xe/1651 sub-directory.

Now that you have found a module that seems like it will work, and you have a local copy of all of the modules; let’s look at the module’s structure. While you can read the module directly with a text editor, it is often easier (and more user-friendly) to use the pyang tool to view the module’s tree output. Pyang is a Python-based tool for working with YANG modules. You can install pyang with the following command:

$ pip install pyang

When you have pyang installed, do the following to get the tree output:

$ cd yang/vendor/cisco/xe/1651
$ pyang -f tree Cisco-IOS-XE-vlan.yang
module: Cisco-IOS-XE-vlan
  augment /ios:native/ios:vlan:
  +--rw access-map* [name]
  | +--rw name string
  | +--rw value? uint16
  | +--rw action? enumeration
  | +--rw match
  | +--rw ipv6
  | | +--rw address* string
  | +--rw ip
  | +--rw address* string
  +--rw configuration* [vlan-id]
  | +--rw vlan-id union
  | +--rw ip
  | +--rw flow
  | +--rw monitor* [flow-monitor]
  | +--rw flow-monitor string
  | +--rw input? empty
  | +--rw output? empty

There’s a lot of output here, and it might get confusing as to where to start. Let’s look towards the top. In particular, note the augment /ios:native bit. This indicates that the vlan sub-tree from the Cisco-IOS-XE-vlan module augments the /ios:native/ios:vlan sub-tree defined in another module. That other module has a namespace of ios. If you open the Cisco-IOS-XE-vlan.yang file in a text editor, you will see the following close to the top of the file:

import Cisco-IOS-XE-native {
  prefix ios;

This means that the Cisco-IOS-XE-vlan module augments the Cisco-IOS-XE-native.yang module. This is important, because when it comes to YDK, the YDK module will refer to the native module rather than the vlan module.

Something else to note about Cisco native modules: they kind of resemble the CLI with respect to how the nodes are structured. That is, if you’re used to configuring something like the following:

vlan 200
name LAB

Then you’ll likely find something similar starting at the /ios:native branch of the tree. Specifically to VLANs, a switch typically contains a number of VLANs (i.e., a list of VLANs). If we look back through the tree output we got from pyang, we see the following:

+--rw vlan-list* [id]
  +--rw id union
  +--rw remote-span? empty
  +--rw private-vlan {ios-features:private-vlan}?
  | +--rw primary? empty
  | +--rw association? string
  | +--rw community? empty
  | +--rw isolated? empty
  +--rw name? string
  +--rw lldp
  | +--rw run? empty
  +--rw uni-vlan? enumeration

This looks promising. When we configure a VLAN using the CLI, it has an ID, it can be a remote-span VLAN, it has a name, etc. The characters next to the nodes in the tree snippet above indicate that the vlan-list node is a read-write or config node. It can consist of zero or more entries. Each entry must have an id property and can have optional properties like a name (the ‘?’ denotes that a property is optional).

If we now work backwards in the tree, we can build a YANG path that will lead to the specific set of nodes we want to modify. At the top of the tree, we’re at /ios:native/ios:vlan. From there, we move to vlan-list. So our path to add a new VLAN will begin at /ios:native/ios:vlan/vlan-list.

Now that we have the path we need, let’s install the YDK and the packages for the IOS-XE modules. This can be done with the following command:

$ pip install ydk-models-cisco-ios-xe

This will install everything you need. But, if you run into problems, have a look at the YDK GitHub page.

In order to find the specific Python module name, class, and properties needed to create a VLAN, we can explore the YDK IOS-XE docs. You’ll note there is no Cisco_IOS_XE_vlan Python module here. Remember, since the Cisco-IOS-XE-vlan module augments the Cisco-IOS-XE-native module, we should look at the Cisco_IOS_XE_native module and classes. Since our starting point was /ios:native/ios:vlan/vlan-list, click down through the Cisco_IOS_XE_native classes to the Native > Vlan > VlanList class. Here we see the properties we expect based on the pyang tree we generated before.

VlanList docs

Let’s start to construct our script to create a new VLAN. We know the module we need (Cisco_IOS_XE_native), and we know the properties we want to set (create a VLAN with an ID and a name).

from ydk.models.cisco_ios_xe.Cisco_IOS_XE_native import Native

from import CRUDService

from ydk.providers import NetconfServiceProvider

import argparse


  def create_vlan(self):

    vlan = Native.Vlan()

    vlan_list_inst = Native.Vlan.VlanList() = self.vid = self.vname



      self.cs.create(, vlan)

    except Exception as e:

      print('Error adding VLAN {} to {}: {}'.format(

        self.vid, self.device, e))

      return False

    return True

Let’s break this down. First, an instance of Native.Vlan is created. This will serve as an anchor point for our Create-Update-Read-Delete (CRUD) operation. Next, an instance of a Native.Vlan.VlanList is created. This may be confusing. Even though the class is named VlanList, we are creating an instance of a VLAN within the list. This instance is assigned our VLAN ID and our VLAN name. Finally, this instance is appended to the vlan_list object rooted at the Native.Vlan object.

Once the Vlan object instance has been properly defined, it can be pushed to the device via the CRUDService. Assuming this returns successfully, inspecting the running configuration on the device in question will show the newly created VLAN. The full script can be found below:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from ydk.models.cisco_ios_xe.Cisco_IOS_XE_native import Native

from import CRUDService

from ydk.providers import NetconfServiceProvider

import argparse

class VlanCreator():

  def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    self.cs = CRUDService() = NetconfServiceProvider(

      address=kwargs['device'], port=kwargs['port'], username=kwargs['username'], password=kwargs['password'])

    self.vid = kwargs['vid']

    self.vname = kwargs['vname']

  def create_vlan(self):

    vlan = Native.Vlan()

    vlan_list_inst = Native.Vlan.VlanList() = self.vid = self.vname



      self.cs.create(, vlan)

    except Exception as e:

      print('Error adding VLAN {} to {}: {}'.format(

        self.vid, self.device, e))

      return False

    return True

if __name__ == '__main__':

  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Add a new VLAN to a Cisco IOS-XE switch')

  parser.add_argument('--vlanid', type=int, required=True, help='VLAN ID to add')

  parser.add_argument('--vlanname', type=str, required=True, help='VLAN Name')

  parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, required=True, help='Name or IP address of switch')

  parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, default=830, help='Port to use for NETCONF; default 830')

  parser.add_argument('--username', type=str, required=True, help='Username to use to connect to the device')

  parser.add_argument('--password', type=str, required=True, help='Password to use to connect to the device')

  args = parser.parse_args()

  vc = VlanCreator(device=args.device, port=args.port, username=args.username, password=args.password,

    vid=args.vlanid, vname=args.vlanname)

  result = vc.create_vlan()

  if result:

    print('VLAN {} was created successfully!'.format(args.vlanid))

The script can be run using the following command:

$ --vlanid 200 --vlanname LAB --device --port 830 --username admin --password admin
VLAN 200 was created successfully!

After running it, confirm the VLAN was created on the switch:

Switch#show run | begin vlan 200
vlan 200
name LAB

Will you have to do all of this each time you need to write use a YANG module or write a YDK script? No, not all of the steps. As you begin to get more comfortable with the structure of YANG modules and how they translate to YDK it should become second nature to build powerful automation scripts using YANG and YDK.

1 Comment
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Would you please advise, how to construct the python code, when there are nested modules? In this case the crypto under Gig1




    <native xmlns="">
				<description>Connection towards KS_GET_VPN</description>
				<crypto xmlns="">

based on



def config_native(native):
    """Add config data to native object."""
    gigabitethernet = native.interface.GigabitEthernet() = 1
    gigabitethernet.description = "Connection towards KS_GET_VPN)"




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