So I believe I know what I did that caused this issue, however I don't know how to resolve this. After attempting to reset a 2911 router, I was to change the registry to rommon once and login in. After some initial configurations, I saved the config twice and reloaded. To my surprise, the router reset in its factory defaults, thus my settings had disappeared. I couldn't figure out the issue, so I tried formatting flash0:, the only CF that came with the device.
Now, every time i reload the router I'm forced into rommon mode. I've tried confreg 0x2142 and 0x2102 to yield no results. My guess is there is no longer a startup file save on the router, so it is unable to boot to any image.
Can I find a backup default startup-config on the machine, or where can I find one? Or am I just approaching the issue incorrectly?
Any help is dearly appreciated.