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Topic: Cisco VNI Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast, 2011-2016

Date / Time: February 24, 9am-10am PST (12-1pm EST)

Join Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) analysts in the #CiscoSPChat TweetChat as they share their findings and answer your mobile questions.

  • How fast is global mobile data traffic growing?
  • Which regions will grow most quickly and generate the most mobile data traffic?
  • What’s the effect of various device/connection types (smartphones, tablets, laptops, and M2M)?
  • Will mobile cloud applications be a significant factor in mobile data traffic growth?
  • How is 4G adoption changing the mobile landscape?     

The session will be hosted by @CiscoSPMobility and @CiscoVNI.

Questions / Comments?

Please email us at Feel free to send us questions before the event if you're unable to attend.

What is a TweetChat?

TweetChats are online conversations held at a pre-arranged  date/time between a group of Twitter users. Chats are uniquely  identified by pre-defined  Twitter hashtag (such as #ciscospchat) to identify the discussion thread. By including this hashtag in each tweet, the conversation can be monitored separate from the larger Twitter conversations.

How Do I Participate?

On the day of the event, login to and follow the #ciscospchat hashtag. To join the chat, visit

Alternatively, you can use your favorite Twitter client (such as TweetGrid, TweetDeck) or Twitter Search to follow the chat hashtag #ciscospchat.  During the event, you can follow the discussion, contribute questions, and submit your own comments by using the same hashtag.

Join our Cisco VNI analysts for the #CiscoSPChat on February 24, 9am PST/12pm EST!

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