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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


This document talks about the LAC configuration which terminated PPPoE connection from PPPoE client and based on the username i.e domain, it runnels the user via L2TP tunnel to LNS.

For PPPoE client configuration, visit

In this setup, if any user comes in with as a domain name as a part of the username ( for exa. , it will be tunneled to LNS via L2TP. Users with username other than using as a domain name will be terminated locally on this router as a LAC.



ASR1006#sh ver

Cisco IOS Software, IOS-XE Software (PPC_LINpppoe-l2tp.gifUX_IOSD-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.2(33)XND, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)



ASR1006#sh run

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 4346 bytes


version 12.2

service timestamps debug datetime msec

service timestamps log datetime msec

no service password-encryption

service internal


hostname ASR1006



boot system bootflash:asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.



vrf definition AMTELECOM.COM

rd 36125:101


vrf definition Mgmt-intf


address-family ipv4



address-family ipv6



logging buffered 65535

enable secret 5 $1$nzyp$yRFDDr/LTY9qqfn.70C6f0


aaa new-model



aaa group server radius CISCO-ACS-RADIUS

server-private auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 key SECRET


aaa group server radius AMTELECOM-ACS-RADIUS

server-private auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 key SECRET


!AAA configuration

aaa authentication ppp CISCO-ACS-AUTH group CISCO-ACS-RADIUS

aaa authentication ppp AMTELECOM-ACS-AUTH group AMTELECOM-ACS-RADIUS

aaa authorization network AUTHORIZATION-PPP group CISCO-ACS-RADIUS

aaa authorization subscriber-service default local






aaa session-id common

ip subnet-zero

ip source-route

no ip domain lookup





service-policy type control L2-ACCESS


multilink bundle-name authenticated

vpdn enable


vpdn-group LAC


  protocol l2tp


! This vpdn-group is configured to tunnel users with as a domain name

initiate-to ip

!Ip address of LNS


!Ip address to be used as a source for l2tp packets

local name LAC

!Local name to be used  for L2TP tunnel authetnication

l2tp tunnel password 0 cisco


!L2TP tunnel password


username ASR1006 password 0 cisco

username UBR10K-WIDE password 0 cisco

username LNS password 0 cisco

username LAC password 0 cisco



mode none






class-map type control match-any AMTELECOM-DOMAIN

match unauthenticated-domain

match unauthenticated-domain


class-map type control match-all CISCO-DOMAIN

match unauthenticated-domain


class-map type control match-all match_protocol_ppp

match protocol ppp


policy-map type service CISCO-SERVICE

service vpdn group LAC


policy-map type service AMTELECOM-SERVICE


policy-map type control DOMAIN-BASED-ACCESS

class type control CISCO-DOMAIN event session-start

  1 authenticate aaa list CISCO-ACS-AUTH

  2 service-policy type service name CISCO-SERVICE


class type control AMTELECOM-DOMAIN event session-start

  1 authenticate aaa list AMTELECOM-ACS-AUTH

  2 authorize aaa list AUTHORIZATION-PPP identifier authenticated-username

  3 service-policy type service name AMTELECOM-SERVICE



policy-map type control L2-ACCESS

class type control match_protocol_ppp event session-start

  1 collect identifier unauthenticated-domain

  2 service-policy type control DOMAIN-BASED-ACCESS



policy-map type control





bba-group pppoe MAIN-BBA

virtual-template 1



interface Loopback1

ip address


interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0

ip address

negotiation auto

cdp enable


interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1

no ip address

negotiation auto

cdp enable


interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1.666

encapsulation dot1Q 666

ip address

pppoe enable group MAIN-BBA

cdp enable


interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2

no ip address


negotiation auto

cdp enable


interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3

no ip address


negotiation auto

cdp enable


interface ATM0/1/0

no ip address

no atm enable-ilmi-trap


interface GigabitEthernet0

vrf forwarding Mgmt-intf

no ip address


negotiation auto

cdp enable


interface Virtual-Template1

! For local user termination which are not supposed to be tunneled.

description ADSL Subscribers

mtu 800

ip unnumbered Loopback1

no ip proxy-arp

peer default ip address pool PPPoE-POOL

ppp authentication pap chap CISCO-ACS-AUTH

ppp ipcp dns


interface Group-Async0

physical-layer async

no ip address

encapsulation slip


ip local pool PPPoE-POOL

ip classless

ip route


no ip http server

no ip http secure-server




radius-server attribute 8 include-in-access-req





line con 0

exec-timeout 0 0

privilege level 15

logging synchronous

stopbits 1

line aux 0

privilege level 15

password cisco

stopbits 1

line vty 0 4

exec-timeout 60 0

privilege level 15

password cisco

logging synchronous

line vty 5 10

exec-timeout 60 0

privilege level 15

password cisco

logging synchronous




  1. The      client calls/connects the LAC (typically using PPPoE/ATM , modem or an      ISDN card).
  2. The      client and the LAC starts the PPP phase by negotiating the LCP options      (authentication method Password Authentication Protocol [PAP] or Challenge      Handshake Authentication Protocol [CHAP], PPP multilink, compression, and      so on).
  3. Let's      suppose that CHAP has been negotiated in step 2. The LAC sends a CHAP      challenge to the client.
  4. The      LAC gets a response (for instance username@DomainName and password).
  5. Based      on the domain name received in the CHAP response or the Dialed Number      Information Service (DNIS) received in the ISDN setup message, the LAC      checks whether the client is a VPDN/L2TP user. It does this by using its      local VPDN configuration or contacting an Authentication, Authorization,      and Accounting (AAA) server.
  6. Because      the client is a VPDN user, the LAC gets some information (from its local      VPDN configuration or from an AAA server) that it uses to bring up a      L2TP  tunnel with the LNS.
  7. The      LAC brings up a L2TP tunnel with the LNS.
  8. Based      on the name received in the request from the LAC, the LNS checks if the      LAC is allowed to open a tunnel (the LNS checks its local VPDN      configuration). Moreover, the LAC and the LNS authenticate each other      (they use their local database or contact an AAA server). The Tunnel is      then up between both devices. In this tunnel, several VPDN sessions can be      carried.
  9. For      the client username@DomainName, a VPDN session is triggered from the LAC      to the LNS. There is one VPDN session per client.
  10. The      LAC forwards the LCP options it has negotiated to the LNS with the client      along with the username@DomainName and password received from the client.
  11. The      LNS clones a virtual-access from a virtual-template specified in the VPDN      configuration. The LNS takes the LCP options received from the LAC and      authenticate the client locally or by contacting the AAA server.
  12. The      LNS sends a CHAP response to the client.
  13. The      IP Control Protocol (IPCP) phase is performed and then the route is      installed: the PPP session is up and running between the client and the      LNS. The LAC just forwards the PPP frames. The PPP frames are tunneled      between the LAC and the LNS.

Tunnel setup messages along with user session setup messages that are being exchanged between LAC and LNS


The LAC decides that a tunnel must be initiated from the LAC to the LNS.

1.     The LAC sends a Start-Control-Connection-Request (SCCRQ). A CHAP challenge and AV Pairs are included in this message.

2.     The LNS responds with a Start-Control-Connection-Reply (SCCRP). A CHAP challenge, the response to LAC's challenge and AV Pairs are included in this message.

3.     The LAC sends a Start-Control-Connection-Connected (SCCCN). The CHAP response is included in this message.

4.     The LNS responds with a Zero-Length Body Acknowledgement (ZLB ACK). That acknowledgement may be carried in another message. The tunnel is up.

5.     The LAC sends an Incoming-Call-Request (ICRQ) to the LNS.

6.     The LNS responds with an Incoming-Call-Reply (ICRP) message.

7.     The LAC sends an Incoming-Call-Connected (ICCN).

8.     The LNS responds back with a ZLB ACK. That acknowledgement may also be carried in another message.

9.     The session is up.

Note: The messages above used for opening a tunnel or a session carry Attribute Value Pairs (AVPs) defined in RFC 2661. They describe properties and information (such as Bearercap, hostname, vendor name and window size). Some AV pairs are mandatory and others are optional.

Note: A Tunnel ID is used to multiplex and demultiplex tunnels between the LAC and LNS. A session ID is used to identify a particular session with the tunnel.

For L2F, the setup for tunneling a PPP session is the same as for L2TP. It involves:

1.     Establishing a tunnel between the NAS and the Home Gateway. This phase takes place only when there is no active tunnel between both devices.

2.     Establishing a session between the NAS and the Home Gateway.

ASR1006-1#sh debug

General OS:

  AAA Authentication debugging is on

  AAA Authorization debugging is on


  PPP authentication debugging is on

  PPP authorization debugging is on

  PPP protocol negotiation debugging is on


  PPPoE protocol events debugging is on

  PPPoE control packets debugging is on

  PPPoE protocol errors debugging is on


  L2TP/PPTP protocol events debugging is on

  L2TP/PPTP data packet debugging is on

  L2TP/PPTP control packet debugging is on

  L2TP/PPTP protocol errors debugging is on


Radius protocol debugging is on

Radius protocol brief debugging is off

Radius protocol verbose debugging is off

Radius packet hex dump debugging is off

Radius packet protocol debugging is on

Radius packet retransmission debugging is off

Radius server fail-over debugging is off

Radius elog debugging is off


*Sep 21 14:09:44.668: PPPoE 0: I PADI  R:001b.d4ee.63c1 L:ffff.ffff.ffff 666 Gi0/0/1.666

contiguous pak, size 36

            FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 1B D4 EE 63 C1 81 00 02 9A

            88 63 11 09 00 00 00 0C 01 01 00 00 01 03 00 04

            48 3A 81 9C

*Sep 21 14:09:44.668:  Service tag: NULL Tag

*Sep 21 14:09:44.668: PPPoE 0: O PADO, R:0024.14ab.d701 L:001b.d4ee.63c1 666 Gi0/0/1.666

*Sep 21 14:09:44.668:  Service tag: NULL Tag

contiguous pak, size 74

            00 1B D4 EE 63 C1 00 24 14 AB D7 01 81 00 02 9A

            88 63 11 07 00 00 00 32 01 01 00 00 01 03 00 04

            48 3A 81 9C 01 02 00 0E 42 41 52 49 2D 41 53 52

            31 30 30 36 2D 31 01 04 00 10 B5 A6 9C 64 34 D8

            E3 56 66 10 B5 3F 2D A5 ...


*Sep 21 14:09:46.624: PPPoE 0: I PADR  R:001b.d4ee.63c1 L:0024.14ab.d701 666 Gi0/0/1.666

contiguous pak, size 74

            00 24 14 AB D7 01 00 1B D4 EE 63 C1 81 00 02 9A

            88 63 11 19 00 00 00 32 01 01 00 00 01 03 00 04

            48 3A 81 9C 01 02 00 0E 42 41 52 49 2D 41 53 52

            31 30 30 36 2D 31 01 04 00 10 B5 A6 9C 64 34 D8

            E3 56 66 10 B5 3F 2D A5 ...

*Sep 21 14:09:46.624:  Service tag: NULL Tag

*Sep 21 14:09:46.624: PPPoE : encap string prepared

*Sep 21 14:09:46.624: [26]PPPoE 26: Access IE handle allocated

*Sep 21 14:09:46.624: [26]PPPoE 26: AAA get retrieved attrs

*Sep 21 14:09:46.624: [26]PPPoE 26: AAA get nas port details

*Sep 21 14:09:46.624: AAA/BIND(0000002A): Bind i/f Virtual-Template1

*Sep 21 14:09:46.624: [26]PPPoE 26: AAA get dynamic attrs

*Sep 21 14:09:46.624: [26]PPPoE 26: AAA unique ID allocated

*Sep 21 14:09:46.624: [26]PPPoE 26: No AAA accounting method list

*Sep 21 14:09:46.624: [26]PPPoE 26: Service request sent to SSS

*Sep 21 14:09:46.625: [26]PPPoE 26: Created, Service: None R:0024.14ab.d701 L:001b.d4ee.63c1 666 Gi0/0/1.666

*Sep 21 14:09:46.626: [26]PPPoE 26: State NAS_PORT_POLICY_INQUIRY    Event SSS MORE KEYS

*Sep 21 14:09:46.626: PPP: Alloc Context [34846A2C]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.626: ppp26 PPP: Phase is ESTABLISHING

*Sep 21 14:09:46.626: ppp26 PPP: Using AAA Unique Id = 2A

*Sep 21 14:09:46.626: [26]PPPoE 26: data path set to PPP

*Sep 21 14:09:46.626: [26]PPPoE 26: Segement (SSS class): PROVISION

*Sep 21 14:09:46.626: [26]PPPoE 26: State PROVISION_PPP    Event SSM PROVISIONED

*Sep 21 14:09:46.627: [26]PPPoE 26: O PADS  R:001b.d4ee.63c1 L:0024.14ab.d701 Gi0/0/1.666

contiguous pak, size 74

            00 1B D4 EE 63 C1 00 24 14 AB D7 01 81 00 02 9A

            88 63 11 65 00 1A 00 32 01 01 00 00 01 03 00 04

            48 3A 81 9C 01 02 00 0E 42 41 52 49 2D 41 53 52

            31 30 30 36 2D 31 01 04 00 10 B5 A6 9C 64 34 D8

            E3 56 66 10 B5 3F 2D A5 ...

*Sep 21 14:09:46.627: [26]PPPoE 26: Failed to Add ANCP Line attributes to the PPPoE Authen attributes

*Sep 21 14:09:46.627: AAA/AUTHOR (0000002A): Method list id=0 not configured. Skip author

*Sep 21 14:09:46.627: ppp26 PPP: Authorization NOT required

*Sep 21 14:09:46.627: ppp26 PPP: Using vpn set call direction

*Sep 21 14:09:46.627: ppp26 PPP: Treating connection as a callin

*Sep 21 14:09:46.627: ppp26 PPP: Session handle[FF00001A] Session id[26]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.627: ppp26 LCP: Event[OPEN] State[Initial to Starting]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.627: ppp26 PPP LCP: Enter passive mode, state[Stopped]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.630: ppp26 LCP: I CONFREQ [Stopped] id 1 len 10

*Sep 21 14:09:46.630: ppp26 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x1D104E53 (0x05061D104E53)

*Sep 21 14:09:46.630: ppp26 LCP: O CONFREQ [Stopped] id 1 len 18

*Sep 21 14:09:46.630: ppp26 LCP:    MRU 800 (0x01040320)

*Sep 21 14:09:46.630: ppp26 LCP:    Aut

ASR1006#hProto PAP (0x0304C023)

*Sep 21 14:09:46.630: ppp26 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x2552192B (0x05062552192B)

*Sep 21 14:09:46.630: ppp26 LCP: O CONFACK [Stopped] id 1 len 10

*Sep 21 14:09:46.630: ppp26 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x1D104E53 (0x05061D104E53)

*Sep 21 14:09:46.630: ppp26 LCP: Event[Receive ConfReq+] State[Stopped to ACKsent]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.631: ppp26 LCP: I CONFNAK [ACKsent] id 1 len 13

*Sep 21 14:09:46.631: ppp26 LCP:    MRU 1500 (0x010405DC)

*Sep 21 14:09:46.631: ppp26 LCP:    AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305)

*Sep 21 14:09:46.631: ppp26 LCP: O CONFREQ [ACKsent] id 2 len 19

*Sep 21 14:09:46.631: ppp26 LCP:    MRU 1500 (0x010405DC)

*Sep 21 14:09:46.631: ppp26 LCP:    AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305)

*Sep 21 14:09:46.631: ppp26 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x2552192B (0x05062552192B)

*Sep 21 14:09:46.631: ppp26 LCP: Event[Receive ConfNak/Rej] State[ACKsent to ACKsent]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.633: ppp26 LCP: I CONFACK [ACKsent] id 2 len 19

*Sep 21 14:09:46.633: ppp26 LCP:    MRU 1500 (0x010405DC)

*Sep 21 14:09:46.633: ppp26 LCP:    AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305)

*Sep 21 14:09:46.633: ppp26 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x2552192B (0x05062552192B)

*Sep 21 14:09:46.633: ppp26 LCP: Event[Receive ConfAck] State[ACKsent to Open]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.659: ppp26 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by this end

*Sep 21 14:09:46.659: ppp26 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 1 len 35 from "ASR1006"

*Sep 21 14:09:46.659: ppp26 LCP: State is Open

*Sep 21 14:09:46.661: ppp26 CHAP: I RESPONSE id 1 len 36 from

! username with as a domain name is received

*Sep 21 14:09:46.661: ppp26 PPP: Phase is FORWARDING, Attempting Forward

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: ppp26 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, Unauthenticated User

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: AAA/AUTHEN/PPP (0000002A): Pick method list 'CISCO-ACS-AUTH'

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: ppp26 PPP: Sent CHAP LOGIN Request

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS/ENCODE(0000002A):Orig. component type = PPoE

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS:  AAA Unsupported Attr: interface         [201] 9  

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS:   30 2F 30 2F 31 2F 36           [ 0/0/1/6]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS:  AAA Unsupported Attr: client-mac-address[44]  14 

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS:   30 30 31 62 2E 64 34 65 65 2E 36 33      [ 001b.d4ee.63]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS(0000002A): Config NAS IP:

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS/ENCODE: No idb found! Framed IP Addr might not be included

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS/ENCODE(0000002A): acct_session_id: 32

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS(0000002A): sending

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address for Radius-Server

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS(0000002A): Send Access-Request to id 1645/28, len 97

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS:  authenticator 51 2E 93 02 2B EA F0 2D - C9 B8 D2 42 D1 39 F2 3B

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS:  Framed-Protocol     [7]   6   PPP                       [1]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS:  User-Name           [1]   17  ""

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS:  CHAP-Password       [3]   19  *

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS:  NAS-Port-Type       [61]  6   Virtual                   [5]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS:  NAS-Port            [5]   6   0                        

*Sep 21 14:09:46.663: RADIUS:  NAS-Port-Id         [87]  11  "0/0/1/666"

*Sep 21 14:09:46.664: RADIUS:  Service-Type        [6]   6   Framed                    [2]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.664: RADIUS:  NAS-IP-Address      [4]   6            

*Sep 21 14:09:46.670: RADIUS: Received from id 1645/28, Access-Accept, len 52

*Sep 21 14:09:46.670: RADIUS:  authenticator CE D3 60 8A 67 B8 48 5B - 32 79 2A 5F 66 F2 3D E1

*Sep 21 14:09:46.670: RADIUS:  Framed-IP-Address   [8]   6                  

*Sep 21 14:09:46.670: RADIUS:  Class               [25]  26 

*Sep 21 14:09:46.670: RADIUS:   43 41 43 53 3A 30 2F 31 32 34 37 61 62 2F 61 63  [CACS:0/1247ab/ac]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.670: RADIUS:   31 30 61 33 33 30 2F 30          [ 10a330/0]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.671: RADIUS(0000002A): Received from id 1645/28

*Sep 21 14:09:46.671: ppp26 PPP: Received LOGIN Response PASS

*Sep 21 14:09:46.671: ppp26 PPP AUTHOR: Author Data NOT Available

*Sep 21 14:09:46.671: ppp26 PPP: Phase is FORWARDING, Attempting Forward

*Sep 21 14:09:46.672: AAA/AUTHOR (0x2A): Pick method list 'default'

*Sep 21 14:09:46.673: ppp26 PPP: Receive Attrs from[SSS] Keep[NCPs] MERGE

*Sep 21 14:09:46.673: ppp26 PPP: Skip Attr: username             "CISCO-SERVICE"


ASR1006#p 21 14:09:46.673: ppp26 PPP: Skip Attr: password             <hidden>

*Sep 21 14:09:46.673: ppp26 PPP: Skip Attr: ip-addresses         ""

*Sep 21 14:09:46.673: ppp26 PPP: Skip Attr: ip-address-limits    "65535 "

*Sep 21 14:09:46.673: ppp26 PPP: Skip Attr: tunnel-type          2 [l2tp]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.673: ppp26 PPP: Skip Attr: sss-service          1 [vpdn]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.673: ppp26 PPP: Skip Attr: vpdn-group           "LAC"

*Sep 21 14:09:46.673: ppp26 PPP: Skip Attr: tunnel-medium-type   1 [IPv4]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.673: ppp26 PPP: Skip Attr: tunnel-id            "LAC"

*Sep 21 14:09:46.673: ppp26 PPP: Skip Attr: vpdn-group           "LAC"

*Sep 21 14:09:46.673: ppp26 PPP: Skip Attr: source-ip  

*Sep 21 14:09:46.673: ppp26 PPP: Skip Attr: l2tp-tunnel-authen   "yes"

*Sep 21 14:09:46.673: ppp26 PPP: Skip Attr: l2tp-tunnel-password <hidden>

*Sep 21 14:09:46.673: ppp26 PPP: Skip Attr: l2tp-silent-switchov 1 (0x1)

*Sep 21 14:09:46.674: [26]PPPoE 26: Access IE nas port called

*Sep 21 14:09:46.674: L2TUN APP: uid:26/handle/4118Peer AIE:2B00001A Peer-peer 00000000 Ours 00000000

! L2TP tunnel needs to be built for the user with domain name

*Sep 21 14:09:46.674: L2TUN APP: uid:26/handle/4118New peer; get switch hdl 4121

*Sep 21 14:09:46.674: L2X        _____:________: class [VPDN group LAC ip addr client LAC]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.674: L2X        _____:________:   created

*Sep 21 14:09:46.674: L2X        _____:________: class [VPDN group LAC ip addr client LAC]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.674: L2X        _____:________:   App locked 0->1

*Sep 21 14:09:46.674: L2X  _____:_____:________: Create logical session

*Sep 21 14:09:46.674: L2TP _____:_____:________: Create session

*Sep 21 14:09:46.674: L2TP _____:_____:________:   App type set to VPDN

*Sep 21 14:09:46.674: L2TP 0001A:_____:________:   UDP checksum ignore is enabled

*Sep 21 14:09:46.674: L2TP 0001A:_____:________:   Sequencing default tx disabled

*Sep 21 14:09:46.674: L2TP 0001A:_____:________:   Sequencing default rx disabled

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP 0001A:_____:________:   Framing set to sync

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP 0001A:_____:________:   Bearer set to none

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP 0001A:_____:________: Set HA epoch to 0

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP 0001A:_____:________:   L2TPoUDP session needed between

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP 0001A:_____:________:<->

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP 0001A:_____:________:   Using ICRQ FSM

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP 0001A:_____:________: FSM-Sn ev created

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP 0001A:_____:________: FSM-Sn    Init->Idle

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP 0001A:_____:________: FSM-Sn do none

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP 0001A:_____:________:     remote ip set to

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP 0001A:_____:________:     local ip set to

! Tunnel endpoints was determined

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP 0001A:_____:________: no cookies enabled

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP 0001A:_____:________: FSM-Sn ev App-Conn

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP 0001A:_____:________: FSM-Sn    Idle->Wt-CC

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP 0001A:_____:________: FSM-Sn do App-Connect

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP 0001A:_____:________: Find or create cc for session

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP       _____:________: Find cc between

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP       _____:________:<->

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP       _____:________:   with class: VPDN group LAC ip addr client LAC

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP       _____:________:   and group:  "

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP       _____:________:   and group:  "VPDN group LAC ip addr client LAC..."

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP       _____:________:   and IP proto: L2TPoUDP

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP       _____:________:   and framing type: sync

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP       _____:________:   and bearer type: none

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP       _____:________:   and version: V2

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP       _____:________:   and local hostname: LAC

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP       _____:________: Need to instigate control channel

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2X  tnl   08016:________: Create logical tunnel

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP tnl   08016:________: Create tunnel

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP tnl   08016:________:     version set to V2[1]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP tnl   08016:________:     remote ip set to

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP tnl   08016:________:     local ip set to

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2X        _____:________: class [VPDN group LAC ip addr client LAC]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2X        _____:________:   Protocol locked 0->1

*Sep 21 14:09:46.675: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:     class name VPDN group LAC ip addr client LAC

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:     group set to "

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:     group set to "VPDN group LAC ip addr client LAC..."

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC ev Session-Conn

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC    Idle->Wt-Sock

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC do Session-Conn-Sock

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Session count now 1

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   VPDN Session count now 1

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Open sock>

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC ev Sock-Ready

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC    Wt-Sock->Wt-SCCRP

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC do Tx-SCCRQ

! LAC is ready to send SCCRQ  to create a tunnel with tunnel authenticaiton

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Tx SCCRQ to

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:     adjust receiving window size for HA

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:  IETF v2:

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Protocol Version  1, Revision 0

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Framing Cap       none(0x0)

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Firmware Ver      0x1130

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Hostname           "

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Hostname           "LAC"

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Vendor Name      

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl  08016:00008C1E:      "

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:      "Cisco Systems, Inc."

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Assigned Tunnel I 0x00008C1E (35870)

*Sep 21 14:09:46.676: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Recv Window Size 1024

*Sep 21 14:09:46.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Challenge         [16]

*Sep 21 14:09:46.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:     0x82074AF8B231A90583D6FCF36CD7A667

*Sep 21 14:09:46.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   PPPoE Relay Forward Capable Cisco v2:

*Sep 21 14:09:46.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:09:46.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: O SCCRQ 0/0 ns/nr 0/0. cur/max resendQ sz 0/4

*Sep 21 14:09:46.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Tx SCCRQ, flg TLS, ver 2, len 142

*Sep 21 14:09:46.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   tnl 0, ns 0, nr 0

*Sep 21 14:09:46.677: contiguous pak, size 142

            C8 02 00 8E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 08 00 00

            00 00 00 01 80 08 00 00 00 02 01 00 80 0A 00 00

            00 03 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 06 11 30 80 09

            00 00 00 07 4C 41 43 00 19 00 00 00 08 43 69 73

            63 6F 20 53 79 73 74 65 6D 73 2C 20 49 6E 63 2E

            80 08 00 00 00 09 8C 1E 80 08 00 00 00 0A 04 00

            80 16 00 00 00 0B 82 07 4A F8 B2 31 A9 05 83 D6

            FC F3 6C D7 A6 67 00 06 00 00 00 38 00 06 00 00

            00 39 00 06 00 09 00 6E 00 06 00 09 00 6F

*Sep 21 14:09:46.677: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Session attached

*Sep 21 14:09:46.677: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn ev DP-Setup

*Sep 21 14:09:46.677: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn    in Wt-CC

*Sep 21 14:09:46.677: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn do Ignore-DP-Setup

*Sep 21 14:09:46.677: [26]PPPoE 26: State LCP_NEGOTIATION    Event PPP FORWARDING

*Sep 21 14:09:46.678: [26]PPPoE 26: Segement (SSS class): UPDATED

*Sep 21 14:09:46.678: [26]PPPoE 26: SSS switch updated

*Sep 21 14:09:47.676: L2X:Punting to L2TP control message queue

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Drain unsentQ, cur/max resendQ sz 0/4, unsentQ 0

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: L2TP: Parse IETF AVP 2, len 8, flag 0x8000 (M)

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: L2TP: Parse IETF AVP 3, len 10, flag 0x8000 (M)

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: L2TP: Parse IETF AVP 4, len 10, flag 0x8000 (M)

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: L2TP: Parse IETF AVP 6, len 8, flag 0x0

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: L2TP: Parse IETF AVP 7, len 9, flag 0x8000 (M)

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: L2TP: Parse IET

ASR1006#F AVP 8, len 25, flag 0x0

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: L2TP: Parse IETF AVP 9, len 8, flag 0x8000 (M)

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: L2TP: Parse IETF AVP 10, len 8, flag 0x8000 (M)

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: L2TP: Parse IETF AVP 11, len 22, flag 0x8000 (M)

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: L2TP: Parse IETF AVP 13, len 22, flag 0x8000 (M)

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: No missing AVPs in SCCRP

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Rx SCCRP, flg TLS, ver 2, len 150

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   tnl 35870, ns 0, nr 1

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:  IETF v2:

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Protocol Version  1, Revision 0

*Sep 21 14:09:47.677: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Framing Cap       none(0x0)

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Bearer Cap        none(0x0)

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Firmware Ver      0x1120

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Hostname           "

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Hostname           "LNS"

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Vendor Name      

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:      "

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:      "Cisco Systems, Inc."

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Assigned Tunnel I 0x00005630 (22064)

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Recv Window Size  5000

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Challenge         [16]

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:     0xFEEE5BE8CF5D1A17CA58A93DD69D2CA6

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Challenge Resp    [16]

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:     0xB113C8371CCD6770287DF21E76CA44FB

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: contiguous pak, size 150

            C8 02 00 96 8C 1E 00 00 00 00 00 01 80 08 00 00

            00 00 00 02 80 08 00 00 00 02 01 00 80 0A 00 00

            00 03 00 00 00 00 80 0A 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00

            00 08 00 00 00 06 11 20 80 09 00 00 00 07 4C 4E

            53 00 19 00 00 00 08 43 69 73 63 6F 20 53 79 73

            74 65 6D 73 2C 20 49 6E 63 2E 80 08 00 00 00 09

            56 30 80 08 00 00 00 0A 13 88 80 16 00 00 00 0B

            FE EE 5B E8 CF 5D 1A 17 CA 58 A9 3D D6 9D 2C A6

            80 16 00 00 00 0D B1 13 C8 37 1C CD 67 70 28 7D

            F2 1E 76 CA 44 FB

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: I SCCRP from LNS

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC ev Rx-SCCRP

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC    Wt-SCCRP->Proc-SCCRP

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC do Rx-SCCRP

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Got a challenge in SCCRP from LNS

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Got a response in SCCRP from LNS

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Tunnel Authentication success

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Auth glob Challenge/Response AVP Passed, 5

*Sep 21 14:09:47.678: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Auth glob Overall Ignored, 11

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC ev SCCRP-OK

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC    Proc-SCCRP->established

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC do Tx-SCCCN

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Tx SCCCN to LNS tnl 22064

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:  IETF v2:

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Challenge Resp    [16]

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:     0x202F8BFDA4EE702E8010961ED40FFD67

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: O SCCCN 22064/0 ns/nr 1/1. cur/max resendQ sz 0/10

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Tx SCCCN, flg TLS, ver 2, len 42

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   tnl 22064, ns 1, nr 1

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: contiguous pak, size 42

            C8 02 00 2A 56 30 00 00 00 01 00 01 80 08 00 00

            00 00 00 03 80 16 00 00 00 0D 20 2F 8B FD A4 EE

            70 2E 80 10 96 1E D4 0F FD 67

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Tunnel accounting send not possible - no id

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Control channel up

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:<->

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn ev CC-Up

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn    Wt-CC->Wt-Sock

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn do CC-Up

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Session needs to have:

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:     V2 PPTP

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Peer cc can do:

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:     V2

*Sep 21 14:09:47.679: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Open sock>

*Sep 21 14:09:47.680: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn ev Sock-Ready

! Tunnel setup is finished and now user session needs to be transmitted to LNS

*Sep 21 14:09:47.680: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn    Wt-Sock->Wt-Tx-ICRQ

*Sep 21 14:09:47.680: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn do Tx-ICRQ-Local-Check

*Sep 21 14:09:47.680: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn ev Local-Cont

*Sep 21 14:09:47.680: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn    Wt-Tx-ICRQ->Wt-Rx-ICRP

*Sep 21 14:09:47.680: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn do Tx-ICRQ

*Sep 21 14:09:47.680: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: 

*Sep 21 14:09:47.680: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Tx ICRQ to LNS 22064/0

*Sep 21 14:09:47.680: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:  IETF v2:

*Sep 21 14:09:47.680: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Assigned Call ID  0x00002A05 (10757)

*Sep 21 14:09:47.680: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Serial Number     3057500006

*Sep 21 14:09:47.680: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Bearer Type       none(0)

*Sep 21 14:09:47.680: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:  Cisco v2:

*Sep 21 14:09:47.680: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Client NAS Port   [9]

*Sep 21 14:09:47.680: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:     ""<0F><10><09><02><03><01><00><02><9A>"

*Sep 21 14:09:47.680: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: 

*Sep 21 14:09:47.680: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: O ICRQ 22064/0 ns/nr 2/1. cur/max resendQ sz 1/10

*Sep 21 14:09:47.681: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Tx ICRQ, flg TLS, ver 2, len 63

*Sep 21 14:09:47.681: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   tnl 22064, lsid 10757, rsid 0, ns 2, nr 1

*Sep 21 14:09:47.681: contiguous pak, size 63

            C8 02 00 3F 56 30 00 00 00 02 00 01 80 08 00 00

            00 00 00 0A 80 08 00 00 00 0E 2A 05 80 0A 00 00

            00 0F B6 3D BF 66 80 0A 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00

            00 0F 00 09 00 64 0F 10 09 02 03 01 00 02 9A

*Sep 21 14:09:47.681: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Drain unsentQ, cur/max resendQ sz 1/10, unsentQ 0

*Sep 21 14:09:47.681: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:09:47.681: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Rx ZLB ACK, flg TLS, ver 2, len 12

*Sep 21 14:09:47.681: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   tnl 35870, ns 1, nr 2

*Sep 21 14:09:47.681: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:09:47.681: contiguous pak, size 12

            C8 02 00 0C 8C 1E 00 00 00 01 00 02

*Sep 21 14:09:47.681: L2X:Punting to L2TP control message queue

*Sep 21 14:09:47.681: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: ICRP: Perform early message digest validation

*Sep 21 14:09:47.681: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Auth glob Overall Ignored, 12

*Sep 21 14:09:47.681: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Drain unsentQ, cur/max resendQ sz 0/10, unsentQ 0

*Sep 21 14:09:47.681: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: L2TP: Parse IETF AVP 14, len 8, flag 0x8000 (M)

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: No missing AVPs in ICRP

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Rx ICRP, flg TLS, ver 2, len 28

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   tnl 35870, lsid 10757, rsid 0, ns 1, nr 3

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:  IETF v2:

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Assigned Call ID  0x00000002 (2)

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: 

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: contiguous pak, size 28

            C8 02 00 1C 8C 1E 2A 05 00 01 00 03 80 08 00 00

            00 00 00 0B 80 08 00 00 00 0E 00 02

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn ev Rx-ICRP

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn    Wt-Rx-ICRP->Proc-ICRP

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn do Rx-ICRP

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   MTU is 65535

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Dataplane provisioned, segment 8226

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Remote AC is now UP

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Local AC is now UP

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: VPDN: process AVPs

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn ev ICRP-OK

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn    Proc-ICRP->Wt-Tx-ICCN

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn do Tx-ICCN-Local-Check

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: 

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: 

*Sep 21 14:09:47.682: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM: ICCN-> waiting for dataplane UP

*Sep 21 14:09:47.683: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Tx ZLB ACK to LNS 22064/2

*Sep 21 14:09:47.683: L2TP:(Tnl35870:Sn10757)L2X setup sss switching

*Sep 21 14:09:47.683: L2X:Session DB (Tnl/Sn: 35870/10757): Stored the switching session in the session DB

*Sep 21 14:09:47.683: L2TP:(Tnl35870:Sn10757)L2X s/w switching session provisioned

*Sep 21 14:09:47.683: L2TP:(Tnl35870:Sn10757)L2TP s/w session mode changed to L2_L2

*Sep 21 14:09:47.683: L2TP:(Tnl35870:Sn10757)L2X s/w switching session bound

*Sep 21 14:09:47.683: [26]PPPoE 26: Segment (SSS class): BOUND

*Sep 21 14:09:47.683: [26]PPPoE 26: data path set to SSS Switch

*Sep 21 14:09:47.684: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn ev DP-Up

*Sep 21 14:09:47.684: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn    in Wt-Tx-ICCN

*Sep 21 14:09:47.684: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn do Tx-ICCN-Local-Check

*Sep 21 14:09:47.684: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn ev Local-Cont

*Sep 21 14:09:47.684: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn    Wt-Tx-ICCN->established

*Sep 21 14:09:47.684: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn do Tx-ICCN

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: 

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Tx ICCN to LNS 22064/2

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:  IETF v2:

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Framing Type      sync(1)

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Connect Speed     100000000

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Last Sent LCPREQ  [15]

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:     0x010405DC0305C2230505062552192B

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Last Rx LCPREQ    [6] 0x05061D104E53

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Proxy Auth Type   2

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Proxy Auth Name  

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2T

ASR1006#P 0001A:08016:00002A05:     """

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Proxy Auth Chal   [16]

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:     0x512E93022BEAF02DC9B8D242D139F23B

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Proxy Auth ID     1

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Proxy Auth Resp   [16]

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:     0xDF93463A1158B2FA5FD3182331E79C1E

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Rx Speed          100000000

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:  Cisco v2:

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Fixed CHAP Ch ID  0

*Sep 21 14:09:47.685: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: 

*Sep 21 14:09:47.686: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: O ICCN 22064/2 ns/nr 3/2. cur/max resendQ sz 0/10

*Sep 21 14:09:47.686: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Tx ICCN, flg TLS, ver 2, len 171

*Sep 21 14:09:47.686: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   tnl 22064, lsid 10757, rsid 2, ns 3, nr 2

*Sep 21 14:09:47.686: contiguous pak, size 171

            C8 02 00 AB 56 30 00 02 00 03 00 02 80 08 00 00

            00 00 00 0C 80 0A 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 01 80 0A

            00 00 00 18 05 F5 E1 00 00 15 00 00 00 1B 01 04

            05 DC 03 05 C2 23 05 05 06 25 52 19 2B 00 0C 00

            00 00 1C 05 06 1D 10 4E 53 00 08 00 00 00 1D 00

            02 00 15 00 00 00 1E 6A 61 79 75 32 40 63 69 73

            63 6F 2E 63 6F 6D 00 16 00 00 00 1F 51 2E 93 02

            2B EA F0 2D C9 B8 D2 42 D1 39 F2 3B 00 08 00 00

            00 20 00 01 00 16 00 00 00 21 DF 93 46 3A 11 58

            B2 FA 5F D3 18 23 31 E7 9C 1E 00 0A 00 00 00 26

*Sep 21 14:09:47.686:             ...

*Sep 21 14:09:47.686: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn ev Established

*Sep 21 14:09:47.686: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn    in established

*Sep 21 14:09:47.686: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn do Established

*Sep 21 14:09:47.686: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Session up

*Sep 21 14:09:47.686: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:<->

*Sep 21 14:09:47.686: L2X:Punting to L2TP control message queue

*Sep 21 14:09:47.687: [26]PPPoE 26: AAA get dynamic attrs

*Sep 21 14:09:47.687: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Drain unsentQ, cur/max resendQ sz 0/10, unsentQ 0

*Sep 21 14:09:47.687: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:09:47.687: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Rx ZLB ACK, flg TLS, ver 2, len 12

*Sep 21 14:09:47.687: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   tnl 35870, ns 2, nr 4

*Sep 21 14:09:47.687: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:09:47.687: contiguous pak, size 12

            C8 02 00 0C 8C 1E 00 00 00 02 00 04

*Sep 21 14:09:47.690: ppp26 PPP: Phase is FORWARDED, Session Forwarded

*Sep 21 14:09:47.690: [26]PPPoE 26: State LCP_NEGOTIATION    Event PPP FORWARDED

*Sep 21 14:09:47.690: [26]PPPoE 26: Connected Forwarded




ASR1006#sh vpdn

L2TP Tunnel and Session Information Total tunnels 1 sessions 1

LocTunID   RemTunID   Remote Name   State  Remote Address  Sessn L2TP Class/

                                                           Count VPDN Group

45050      64102      LNS           est   1     LAC           

LocID      RemID      TunID      Username, Intf/      State  Last Chg Uniq ID  

                                 Vcid, Circuit                                 

44667      5          45050      Para..., Gi0/0/1.666 est    00:01:03 23       


ASR1006#sh vpdn tunnel all

L2TP Tunnel Information Total tunnels 1 sessions 1

Tunnel id 45050 is up, remote id is 64102, 1 active sessions

  Locally initiated tunnel

  Tunnel state is established, time since change 00:01:21

  Tunnel transport is UDP (17)

  Remote tunnel name is LNS

    Internet Address, port 1701

  Local tunnel name is LAC

    Internet Address, port 1701

  L2TP class for tunnel is LAC

  Counters, taking last clear into account:

    29 packets sent, 26 received

    1298 bytes sent, 788 received

    Last clearing of counters never

  Counters, ignoring last clear:

    29 packets sent, 26 received

    1298 bytes sent, 788 received

  Control Ns 4, Nr 2

  Local RWS 1024 (default), Remote RWS 5000

  In Use Remote RWS 10

  Control channel Congestion Control is disabled

  Tunnel PMTU checking disabled

  Retransmission time 1, max 1 seconds

  Unsent queuesize 0, max 0

  Resend queuesize 0, max 2

  Total resends 0, ZLB ACKs sent 1

  Total out-of-order dropped pkts 0

  Total out-of-order reorder pkts 0

  Total peer authentication failures 0

  Current no session pak queue check 0 of 5

  Retransmit time distribution: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

  Control message authentication is disabled

  VPDN group for tunnel is LAC

  Tunnel domain is CISCO-SERVICE



ASR1006#sh vpdn session all

L2TP Session Information Total tunnels 1 sessions 1

Session id 44667 is up, logical session id 32788, tunnel id 45050    

  Remote session id is 5, remote tunnel id 64102    

  Locally initiated session

  Unique ID is 23

  L2-L2 IDB switching enabled

  Session username is

    Interface Gi0/0/1.666

Call serial number is 3057500004

Remote tunnel name is LNS

  Internet address is

Local tunnel name is LAC

  Internet address is

IP protocol 17

  Session is L2TP signaled

  Session state is established, time since change 00:01:38

    31 Packets sent, 28 received

    1326 Bytes sent, 816 received

  Last clearing of counters never

  Counters, ignoring last clear:

    31 Packets sent, 28 received

    1326 Bytes sent, 816 received

    Receive packets dropped:

      out-of-order:             0

      other:                    0

      total:                    0

    Send packets dropped:

      exceeded session MTU:     0

      other:                    0

      total:                    0

  DF bit off, ToS reflect disabled, ToS value 0, TTL value 0

  Sending UDP checksums are disabled

  Received UDP checksums are ignored

  No session cookie information available

  FS cached header information:

    encap size = 36 bytes

    4500001c 00000000 ff111949 ac10a330

    ac10a736 06a506a5 00080000 0202fa66


  Sequencing is off

  Conditional debugging is disabled

  SSM switch id is 4118, SSM segment id is 8220


! PPPoE user disconnects the session

*Sep 21 14:10:54.272: PPPoE 26: I PADT  R:001b.d4ee.63c1 L:0024.14ab.d701 666 Gi0/0/1.666

! PADT is received from the PPPoE client and session needs to be disconnected

contiguous pak, size 64

            00 24 14 AB D7 01 00 1B D4 EE 63 C1 81 00 02 9A

            88 63 11 A7 00 1A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

            00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

            00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

*Sep 21 14:10:54.272: ppp26 PPP DISC: Lower Layer disconnected

*Sep 21 14:10:54.272: ppp26 PPP: Sending Acct Event[Down] id[2A]

*Sep 21 14:10:54.272: [26]PPPoE 26: Destroying  R:001b.d4ee.63c1 L:0024.14ab.d701 666 Gi0/0/1.666

*Sep 21 14:10:54.272: [26]PPPoE 26: AAA get dynamic attrs

*Sep 21 14:10:54.272: [26]PPPoE 26: AAA account stopped

*Sep 21 14:10:54.273: ppp26 LCP: Event[DOWN] State[Open to Starting]

*Sep 21 14:10:54.273: ppp26 PPP: Clearing AAA Unique Id = 2A

*Sep 21 14:10:54.273: ppp26 PPP: Phase is DOWN

*Sep 21 14:10:54.274: L2TUN APP: uid:26/handle/4118Free switch hdl 4121

*Sep 21 14:10:54.274: L2TUN APP: uid:26/handle/4118shutdown app session

*Sep 21 14:10:54.276: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Shutting down session

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Result Code

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:     Call disconnected, refer to error msg (2)

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Error Code

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:     Vendor specific (6)

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Vendor Error

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:     None (0)

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Optional Message

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:     "user-request/Call Disconnect"

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: 

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn ev App-Disc

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn    in established

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: FSM-Sn do App-Disc-Active

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: 

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Tx CDN to LNS 22064/2

! LAC will send CDN to LNS for Connection Disconnect

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:  IETF v2:

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Result Code      

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:     Call disconnected, refer to error msg(2)

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:     Error code

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:       Vendor specific(6)

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:     Optional msg

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:        "

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:        "user-request/Call Disconnect"

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   Assigned Call ID  0x00002A05 (10757)

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   PPP Disconnect Cause Code (IETF)    disconnected, code 3, direction local for CP 0x0

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:  Cisco v2:

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   PPP Disconnect Cause Code (Cisco)    disconnected, code 3, direction local for CP 0x0

*Sep 21 14:10:54.277: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: 

*Sep 21 14:10:54.278: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: O CDN 22064/2 ns/nr 4/2. cur/max resendQ sz 0/10

*Sep 21 14:10:54.278: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Tx CDN, flg TLS, ver 2, len 88

*Sep 21 14:10:54.278: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:   tnl 22064, lsid 10757, rsid 2, ns 4, nr 2

*Sep 21 14:10:54.278: contiguous pak, size 88

            C8 02 00 58 56 30 00 02 00 04 00 02 80 08 00 00

            00 00 00 0E 80 26 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 06 75 73

            65 72 2D 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 2F 43 61 6C 6C 20

            44 69 73 63 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 80 08 00 00 00 0E

            2A 05 00 0B 00 00 00 2E 00 03 00 00 02 00 0B 00

            09 00 68 00 03 00 00 02

*Sep 21 14:10:54.278: L2X        _____:________: class [VPDN group LAC ip addr client LAC]

*Sep 21 14:10:54.278: L2X        _____:________:   App unlocked 1->0

*Sep 21 14:10:54.278: L2TP:(Tnl35870:Sn10757)L2X s/w switching session unbound

*Sep 21 14:10:54.278: [26]PPPoE 26: Segement (SSS class): UNPROVISION

*Sep 21 14:10:54.279: L2X:Punting to L2TP control message queue

*Sep 21 14:10:54.279: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Session down

*Sep 21 14:10:54.279: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05:<->

*Sep 21 14:10:54.279: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Destroying session

*Sep 21 14:10:54.279: L2TP 0001A:08016:00002A05: Dataplane deallocated, segment 0

*Sep 21 14:10:54.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC ev Session-Disc

*Sep 21 14:10:54.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC    in established

*Sep 21 14:10:54.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC do Session-Disc-Est

*Sep 21 14:10:54.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Session count now 0

*Sep 21 14:10:54.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   VPDN Session count now 0

*Sep 21 14:10:54.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC ev No-Users

*Sep 21 14:10:54.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC    established->Est-No-User

*Sep 21 14:10:54.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC do No-Users

*Sep 21 14:10:54.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: No more cc users, shutdown (likely) in 15 secs

*Sep 21 14:10:54.279: L2TP 0001A:_____:________: Session detached

*Sep 21 14:10:54.279: L2X  0001A:_____:________: Destroying logical session

*Sep 21 14:10:54.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Drain unsentQ, cur/max resendQ sz 0/10, unsentQ 0

*Sep 21 14:10:54.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:10:54.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Rx ZLB ACK, flg TLS, ver 2, len 12

*Sep 21 14:10:54.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   tnl 35870, ns 2, nr 5


*Sep 21 14:10:54.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:10:54.280: contiguous pak, size 12

            C8 02 00 0C 8C 1E 00 00 00 02 00 05

*Sep 21 14:10:54.280: L2TP:(Tnl35870:Sn10757)L2X s/w switching session unprovisioned

*Sep 21 14:10:54.280: L2X:Session DB (Tnl/Sn: 35870/10757): Removed the switching session from the session DB

*Sep 21 14:10:54.499: ppp26 PPP: Free Context [34846A2C]


*Sep 21 14:11:04.279: L2X:Punting to L2TP control message queue

*Sep 21 14:11:04.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: StopCCN: skip authen, no nonce yet

*Sep 21 14:11:04.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: L2TP: Parse IETF AVP 9, len 8, flag 0x8000 (M)

*Sep 21 14:11:04.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: L2TP: Parse IETF AVP 1, len 10, flag 0x8000 (M)

*Sep 21 14:11:04.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: No missing AVPs in StopCCN

*Sep 21 14:11:04.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:11:04.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Rx StopCCN, flg TLS, ver 2, len 38

*Sep 21 14:11:04.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   tnl 35870, ns 2, nr 5

*Sep 21 14:11:04.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:  IETF v2:

*Sep 21 14:11:04.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Result Code      

*Sep 21 14:11:04.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:     General error - refer to error code(1)

*Sep 21 14:11:04.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:     Error code

*Sep 21 14:11:04.279: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:       No error(0)

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Assigned Tunnel I 0x00005630 (22064)

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: contiguous pak, size 38

            C8 02 00 26 8C 1E 00 00 00 02 00 05 80 08 00 00

            00 00 00 04 80 08 00 00 00 09 56 30 80 0A 00 00

            00 01 00 01 00 00

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Tx ZLB ACK to LNS tnl 22064

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Rx StopCCN from LNS tnl 22064

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC ev Rx-StopCCN

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC    in Est-No-User

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC do Rx-StopCCN

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Shutting down tunnel

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Result Code

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:     General error - refer to error code

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Error Code

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:     No error

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Vendor Error

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:     None

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:   Optional Message

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:     "No disconnect reason given"

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: 

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC ev Shut-Now

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC    Est-No-User->Wt-STOPACK

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC do Shutnow

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC ev Shut-Comp

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC    Wt-STOPACK->Dead

*Sep 21 14:11:04.280: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: FSM-CC do Shutdown-Completed

*Sep 21 14:11:04.281: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Tunnel accounting send not possible - no id

*Sep 21 14:11:04.281: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Control channel down

*Sep 21 14:11:04.281: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E:<->

*Sep 21 14:11:04.281: L2TP tnl   08016:00008C1E: Destroying tunnel

*Sep 21 14:11:04.281: L2X  tnl   08016:________: Destroying logical tunnel

*Sep 21 14:11:04.281: L2X        _____:________: class [VPDN group LAC ip addr client LAC]

*Sep 21 14:11:04.281: L2X        _____:________:   Protocol unlocked 1->0


*Sep 21 14:11:04.281: L2X        _____:________: class[VPDN group LAC ip addr client LAC]

*Sep 21 14:11:04.281: L2X        _____:________:   no more locks

*Sep 21 14:11:04.281: L2X        _____:________: class [VPDN group LAC ip addr client LAC]

*Sep 21 14:11:04.281: L2X        _____:________:   deleted




Sumesh Thazhath
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Excellent article..

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