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    Routing Information Protocol is a distance-vector routing protocol that uses hop count as a routing metric. RIP is an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) most commonly used in smaller networks. RIP for IPv6 also commonly referred as RIPng is designed to support IPv6 and functions the same way as RIP-v2 in IPv4. RIPng uses FF02::9 as the destination address for RIP update messages.

    • Understanding of IPv6 Addressing Scheme
    • RIPv4 basics



    In this configuration example, routers R1 and R2 are connected via fast Ethernet interface.Loopback addresses are configured to generate networks. All the interface are configured with the IPv6 addresses.


    Note: All configurations are tested in a lab environment on Cisco 3745 Router operating on Cisco IOS 12.4 version.


    Topology Diagram


    Summary Steps
    In Global Configuration Mode
    1. enable
    2. configure terminal
    3. ipv6 router rip word
    4. exit
    In Interface Configuration Mode
    1. ipv6 rip word enable
    2. exit




    Router R1Router R2

    hostname R1
    ip cef
    ipv6 unicast-routing

    -- enables forwarding of IPv6 packets
    interface Loopback10
    no ip address
    ipv6 address 1111:1:1:1::1/128
    ipv6 rip RIPng1 enable

    -- enables IPv6 RIP routing process (in our case RIPng1)

    on the interface lo 10.
    interface Loopback20
    no ip address
    ipv6 address 2222:2:2:2:2::1/128
    ipv6 rip RIPng1 enable
    interface FastEthernet0/0
    no ip address
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    ipv6 address 1011:11:11:11::1/64
    ipv6 rip RIPng1 enable
    ipv6 router rip RIPng1

    -- Configures the IPv6 RIP routing process on the router

    hostname R2
    ip cef
    ipv6 unicast-routing
    interface Loopback0
    no ip address
    ipv6 address 2011::1/128
    ipv6 rip RIPng1 enable
    interface Loopback1
    no ip address
    ipv6 address 2020::1/128
    ipv6 rip RIPng1 enable
    interface FastEthernet0/0
    no ip address
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    ipv6 address 1011:11:11:11::2/64
    ipv6 rip RIPng1 enable
    ipv6 router rip RIPng1


    Verify Commands
    show ipv6 route rip


    This command displays the contents of IPv6 routing table with all the IPv6 RIP routes.


    R1#show ipv6 route rip
    IPv6 Routing Table - 7 entries
    Codes: C - Connected, L - Local, S - Static, R - RIP, B - BGP
           U - Per-user Static route, M - MIPv6
           I1 - ISIS L1, I2 - ISIS L2, IA - ISIS interarea, IS - ISIS summary
           O - OSPF intra, OI - OSPF inter, OE1 - OSPF ext 1, OE2 - OSPF ext 2
           ON1 - OSPF NSSA ext 1, ON2 - OSPF NSSA ext 2
           D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external
    R   2011::1/128 [120/2]
         via FE80::C00A:12FF:FE44:0, FastEthernet0/0
    R   2020::1/128 [120/2]
         via FE80::C00A:12FF:FE44:0, FastEthernet0/0
    R1#show ipv6 rip RIPng1 next-hops
    RIP process "RIPng1", Next Hops
      FE80::C00A:12FF:FE44:0/FastEthernet0/0 [3 paths]


    R2#show ipv6 route rip
    IPv6 Routing Table - 7 entries
    Codes: C - Connected, L - Local, S - Static, R - RIP, B - BGP
           U - Per-user Static route, M - MIPv6
           I1 - ISIS L1, I2 - ISIS L2, IA - ISIS interarea, IS - ISIS summary
           O - OSPF intra, OI - OSPF inter, OE1 - OSPF ext 1, OE2 - OSPF ext 2
           ON1 - OSPF NSSA ext 1, ON2 - OSPF NSSA ext 2
           D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external
    R   1111:1:1:1::1/128 [120/2]
         via FE80::C009:12FF:FE44:0, FastEthernet0/0
    R   2222:2:2:2:2::1/128 [120/2]
         via FE80::C009:12FF:FE44:0, FastEthernet0/0

    show ipv6 rip


    To display the information about the current IPv6 RIP process, use this command.


    R2#show ipv6 rip
    RIP process "RIPng1", port 521, multicast-group FF02::9, pid 246
         Administrative distance is 120. Maximum paths is 16
         Updates every 30 seconds, expire after 180
         Holddown lasts 0 seconds, garbage collect after 120
         Split horizon is on; poison reverse is off
         Default routes are not generated
         Periodic updates 213, trigger updates 3

    show ipv6 rip [name][database]

    This command displays the details of the entries in the specified RIP IPv6 routing table.


    R1#show ipv6 rip RIPng1 database
    RIP process "RIPng1", local RIB
    1011:11:11:11::/64, metric 2
         FastEthernet0/0/FE80::C00A:12FF:FE44:0, expires in 162 secs
    2011::1/128, metric 2, installed
         FastEthernet0/0/FE80::C00A:12FF:FE44:0, expires in 162 secs
    2020::1/128, metric 2, installed
         FastEthernet0/0/FE80::C00A:12FF:FE44:0, expires in 162 secs


    Note: To check RIPng timer related information and to check whether any route has route tag set, you can use this command.

    show ipv6 rip [name][next-hops]


    Using this command, you can check the details of the specified RIP IPv6 processes next hop addresses. If no RIP process name is specified, the next hop addresses for all RIP IPv6 processes will be displayed.


    R2#show ipv6 rip RIPng1 next-hops
    RIP process "RIPng1", Next Hops
    FE80::C009:12FF:FE44:0/FastEthernet0/0 [3 paths]

    debug ipv6 rip

    To display the debugging messages for IPv6 RIP routing transactions use this command debug ipv6 rip

    R1#debug ipv6 rip
    RIP Routing Protocol debugging is on
    *Mar  1 04:37:26.710: RIPng: Next RIB walk in 166728
    *Mar  1 04:37:33.794: RIPng: Sending multicast update on Loopback20 for RIPng1
    *Mar  1 04:37:33.794:        src=FE80::C009:12FF:FE44:0
    *Mar  1 04:37:33.794:        dst=FF02::9 (Loopback20)
    *Mar  1 04:37:33.798:        sport=521, dport=521, length=112
    *Mar  1 04:37:33.798:        command=2, version=1, mbz=0, #rte=5
    *Mar  1 04:37:33.798:        tag=0, metric=1, prefix=1011:11:11:11::/64
    *Mar  1 04:37:33.798:        tag=0, metric=1, prefix=1111:1:1:1::1/128
    *Mar  1 04:37:33.798:        tag=0, metric=1, prefix=2222:2:2:2:2::1/128
    *Mar  1 04:37:33.802:        tag=0, metric=2, prefix=2011::1/128
    *Mar  1 04:37:33.802:        tag=0, metric=2, prefix=2020::1/128
    *Mar  1 04:37:33.806: RIPng: Sending multicast update on Loopback10 for RIPng1
    *Mar  1 04:37:33.806:        src=FE80::C009:12FF:FE44:0
    *Mar  1 04:37:33.806:        dst=FF02::9 (Loopback10)
    *Mar  1 04:37:33.806:        sport=521, dport=521, length=112
    *Mar  1 04:37:33.810:        command=2, version=1, mbz=0, #rte=5


    To verify the reachability between the routers R1 and R2, use the ping command and ping the loopback addresses of the router R1 from R2 and vice versa.


    R1#ping 2011::1

    -- pinging the lo 0 address of R2 from router R1

    Type escape sequence to abort.
    Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 2011::1, timeout is 2 seconds:

    Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/28/76 ms


    R2#ping 2222:2:2:2:2::1

    -- pinging the lo 20 address of R1 from router R2

    Type escape sequence to abort.
    Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 2222:2:2:2:2::1, timeout is 2 seconds:
    Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/32/108 ms


    Routing Information Protocol
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